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发布时间:2022/1/24 15:37:00 来源:永阜康科技
张代明 3003290139
姚红霞 3003214837
李湘宁 2850985550

TI公司的TPS61094是带旁路开关的同步双向降压/升压转换器,具有宽输入电压范围和输出电压,高达5.5V.当TPS61094工作在降压模式和给超级电容充电,充电电流和终点电压可用两个外接电阻可编程, 当TPS61094工作在升压模式,输出电压可用外接一个电阻编程.在自动降压或升压模式(EN = 1, MODE = 1),当输入电源加电时,器件旁路输入电压到输出,同时能对备份超级电容进行充电.当输入电源未连接或低于输出目标电压, TPS61094进入升压模式,从备份超级电容调整输出电压.在这种模式, TPS61094消耗60nA静态电流.器件支持真关断模式(EN= 0, MODE = 1)和强迫旁通模式(EN = 0, MODE = 0).在真关断模式, TPS61094完全不连接负载和输入电源.在支持强迫旁通模式,器件直接通过盘路开关连接负载到输入电压,器件仅消耗4nA电流,以获得长电池寿命.器件的旁路开关电阻为 100-mΩ,开关频率为1MHz.器件具有输出短路保护和热关断保护.采用2mmx3mm  12引脚WSON封装.主要用在气表和水表,手持医疗设备和能量收获.本文介绍了TPS61094主要特性, 功能框图,多种典型应用电路, 评估模块TPS61094EVM-066主要特性,电路图,材料清单和PCB设计图.

The TPS61094 is a synchronous bi-directional buck/boost converter with bypass switch. The device provides a power supply solution for smart meter and super capacitor backup power applications.

The TPS61094 has a wide input voltage range and output voltage up to 5.5 V. When the TPS61094 works in Buck mode and charges the supercap, the charging current and the termination voltage are programmable with two external resistors. When the TPS61094 works in Boost mode, the output voltage is programmable with an external resistor.

During automatic Buck or Boost mode (EN = 1, MODE = 1), when the input power supply is applied, the device bypasses the input voltage to the output while it is capable of charging a backup supercap.

When the input power supply is disconnected or lower than the output target voltage, the TPS61094 enters Boost mode and regulates output voltage from a backup supercap. The TPS61094 consumes 60-nA quiescent current in this mode.

The TPS61094 supports True shutdown mode (EN= 0, MODE = 1) and the Forced bypass mode (EN = 0, MODE = 0). In True shutdown mode, the TPS61094 completely disconnects the load from the input supply. When supporting Forced bypass mode, the TPS61094 connects the load to the input voltage directly through a bypass switch and only consumes 4-nA current to achieve long battery life.


• Wide voltage range and current range

– 0.7-V to 5.5-V input voltage range

– 1.8-V minimum input voltage for start-up

– Programmable boost output voltages, 2.7-V to 5.4-V setting range

– Programmable buck charging termination voltages, 1.7-V to 5.4-V setting range

– Programmable buck charging output currents, 2.5-mA to 600-mA setting range

• Ultra-low quiescent current

– 60 nA in boost mode or buck charging mode

– 4 nA in forced bypass mode

• High efficiency and power capability

– Minimum 1.4-A inductor valley current limit

– Two 60-mΩ (LS) / 140-mΩ (HS) MOSFETs

– 100-mΩ bypass switch resistance

– 1-MHz switching frequency

– Auto snooze mode operation at light load

– Up to 92.3% efficiency at VIN = 3 V, VOUT = 3.6 V, and IOUT = 10 μA

– Up to 96.3% efficiency at VIN = 3 V, VOUT = 3.6 V, and IOUT = 100 mA

• Four operation modes controlled by the MODE and EN pins

• Rich protection

– Output short-circuit protection

– Thermal shutdown protection

• 2-mm × 3-mm 12-pin WSON package


• Gas meter, water meter

• Portable medical equipment

• Energy harvest

图1. TPS61094典型应用电路(1)

图2. TPS61094典型应用电路(2)

图3. TPS61094功能框图

图4. TPS61094锂电池3.6V带旁路升压转换器应用电路(1)

图5. TPS61094 5V输入3.3V升压转换器带自动降压或升压功能(2)


This users guide describes the schematic, layout, bill of materials (BOM), and setup of the evaluation module (EVM) for the TPS61094EVM-066. It can supply the Vout to programed target from 2.7 V~5.4 V with Vin low to 1.8 V. The TPS61094EVM-066 supports four operating modes with different jumpers configuration, including force bypass, true shotdown, force buck, and auto buck or Boost.

图6. 评估模块TPS61094EVM-066外形图

图7. 评估模块TPS61094EVM-066电路图


图8. 评估模块TPS61094EVM-066 PCB设计图:顶层布局

图9. 评估模块TPS61094EVM-066 PCB设计图:内层1布局

图10. 评估模块TPS61094EVM-066 PCB设计图:内层2布局

图11. 评估模块TPS61094EVM-066 PCB设计图:底层布局

产品型号 功能介绍 兼容型号 封装形式 工作电压 备注
TP8312 输入电压工作范围:0.85V—Vout; 可调输出电压范围:1.8V—5.5V,精度±3% SOT23-6 0.65V—4.2V TP8312是一款高效率的同步升压IC。0.65V到4.2V的输入电压范围使 TP8312适合于单节电池,两节电池或三节碱性电池,NiCd,NiMH,单节锂离子或锂聚合物电池。
CS5517 输入电压范围:1.8V -5.0V;输出电压范围:1.2V-5.0V可调;最大电流输出能力:0.6A CS5518 DFN-8 1.8V-5.0V 低功耗,单电感,升降压,600mA DC-DC电压调整器
深圳市永阜康科技有限公司 粤ICP备17113496号 服务热线:0755-82863877 手机:13242913995