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发布时间:2020/12/11 11:03:00 来源:永阜康科技
张代明 3003290139
姚红霞 3003214837
李湘宁 2850985550

ST公司的RHRPMPOL01是单相降压单片开关稳压器,集成了高精度内部基准电压和用于同步转换的功率MOSFET.器件采用SOI技术,对单粒子闩锁效应有良好的性能.RHRPMPOL01能输入电压3.0V到12V转换成 8V到0.85xVIN输出电压.设计用在空间应用的FPGA,DSP,MCU和ASIC的电源.器件的控制器是基于峰值电流架构,从而保证了快的负载瞬态响应和很稳定的开关频率.嵌入的积分器补偿由于输出电压波纹所引起的DC电压误差.故障管理包括非闭锁输出过压保护,过流保护和自动恢复的热保护.输出电流高达7A,工作温度-55 C 到 +125 C,可编开关频率从100kHz到1MHz.RHRPMPOL01总离子剂量为100 krad,无单粒子闩锁效应高达70 MeV/mg/cm2 (@ VCC up to 7 V),SEU-SEFI特性高达VCC 7V,无质子.主要用在空间应用的点负载稳压器,FPGA,DSP,CPU和ASIC电源以及低压高密度分布电源系统.本文介绍了RHRPMPOL01主要特性,框图,典型应用电路图及其


The RHRPMPOL01 is a single phase, step-down monolithic switching regulator with

high precision internal voltage reference and integrated power MOSFETs forsynchronous conversion. The device has been developed using SOI technology thatoffers good performance against SEL effect.

The regulator converts 3.0 V to 12 V input voltage to 0.8 V to (0.85xVIN) outputvoltage. It has been designed to supply FPGA, DSP, MCU and ASICS in general forspace applications.

The controller is based on peak current mode architecture, which ensures a fast load

transient response and very stable switching frequency. An embedded integratorcompensates the DC voltage error due to the output voltage ripple. The faultmanagement consists of not-latched output overvoltage protection, overcurrentprotection and auto recovery thermal protection.


• 3.0 V to 12 V input operating voltage range (target radiation performanceguaranteed at VCC up to 7 V)

• 0.8 V to (0.85xVIN) output voltage range

• Up to 7 A output current

• Wide operating temperature range -55 C to +125 C

• Single supply

• Integrated N-channel MOSFETs for synchronous step-down conversion

• Integrated BOOT diode

• Programmable switching frequency: from 100 kHz to 1 MHz

• Fast load transient response and simple loop compensation based on peakcurrent mode control loop

• Easy synchronization with 180 out-of-phase (up to 2 ICs) management

• Current sharing configuration for higher load requirements

• Lossless current sensing based on sense-FET

• Not-latched output overvoltage protection

• Adjustable output overcurrent protection

• Input undervoltage protection

• Latched overtemperature protection

• Power Good output pin

• Programmable soft-start with increased current capability

• Hermetic ceramic package qualified for space applications FLAT-28

• Target radiation performance:

– Total ionizing dose: 100 krad

– Tested ELDRS-free

– SEL-free up to 70 MeV/mg/cm2 (@ VCC up to 7 V)

– SEU-SEFI characterized up to VCC 7 V

– Proton free

– No performance degradation due to SET

– QMLV qualification ongoing


• Point of load regulation for space application

• FPGA, DSP, CPU and ASICS supply

• Low voltage, high density distributed power systems





EVAL-RHRPMPOL01 evaluation board of radiation hardened 7 A monolithicsynchronous switching regulatorThis user manual provides an overview of the use of the EVAL-RHRPMPOL01 evaluation board. It has been developed andoptimized for a typical application of the RHRPMPOL01 device, a single phase, step-down monolithic switching regulator withhigh precision internal voltage reference and integrated power MOSFETs for synchronous conversion. The regulatorRHRPMPOL01 converts 3 V - 12 V input voltage to 0.8 V - (0.85xVIN) output voltage. The controller is based on a peak current

mode architecture, which ensures a fast load transient response and very stable switching frequency. An embedded integratorcompensates the DC voltage error due to the output voltage ripple.


• Input operating voltage: 5.0 V

• Output voltage: 1.2 V

• Output current: up to 5 A

• Enable input voltage: 2.5 V

• Switching frequency: 500 kHz

• Output overcurrent protection: 10 A

• Easy synchronization with 180  out-of-phase (up to 2 ICs) management




图5.评估板EVAL-RHRPMPOL01 PCB设计图:顶层装配

图6.评估板EVAL-RHRPMPOL01 PCB设计图:顶层

图7.评估板EVAL-RHRPMPOL01 PCB设计图:中间层1

图8.评估板EVAL-RHRPMPOL01 PCB设计图:中间层2

图9.评估板EVAL-RHRPMPOL01 PCB设计图:底层

产品型号 功能介绍 兼容型号 封装形式 工作电压 备注
CS7120 CS7120R在4.5V到22V的宽输入电压范围内工作,是高效率的同步降压DC-DC转换器,能够传输2A负载电流。 SOT23-6 4.5V-22V 22V输入,2A同步降压调节器,SOT23-6极小封装
深圳市永阜康科技有限公司 粤ICP备17113496号 服务热线:0755-82863877 手机:13242913995