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DRV8876 N沟H桥马达驱动解决方案
发布时间:2019/8/24 9:34:00 来源:永阜康科技
张代明 3003290139
姚红霞 3003214837
李湘宁 2850985550
TI公司的DRV8876是适用于各种终端应用的灵活多样的马达驱动器,集成了N沟H桥,电荷泵稳压器,电流检测和调制,电流正比输出和保护电路.电荷泵允许高边和低边N沟MOSFET和支持100%占空白比而提高了效率.集成的电流检测使得驱动器能调整起动时和大负载时的马达电流.限流可通过可调外部基准电压来设定.器件可驱动一个双向有刷DC马达,或两个单向有刷DC马达以及其它电阻和电感负载,工作电压4.5V-37V,输出电流峰值达3.5A,PH/EN和PWM H桥控制模式,单独半桥控制模式,支持1.8V,3.3V和5V逻辑输入,超低功耗睡眠模式:<1-μA @ VVM = 24-V, TJ = 25℃.集成的保护特性包括欠压锁住(UVLO),电荷泵欠压(CPUV),超电流保护(OCP),热关端(TSD),自动故障恢复和故障指标引脚(nFAULT).主要用在大型和小型家用电器,打印机和扫描仪,智能仪表,ATM,现钞点钞机和EPOS以及伺服马达和激励器,吸尘机,人形和玩具机器人.本文介绍了DRV887x系列主要特性,功能框图,应用电路,以及评估模块DRV8876x/74xEV主要特性,电路图,材料清单和PCB设计图.
The DRV887x family of devices are flexible motordrivers for a wide variety of end applications. Thedevices integrate an N-channel H-bridge, chargepump regulator, current sensing and regulation,current proportional output, and protection circuitry.
The charge pump improves efficiency by allowing forboth high-side and low-side N-channels MOSFETsand 100% duty cycle support. The family of devicescome in pin to pin,
scalable RDS(on) options to supportdifferent loads with minimal design changes.
Integrated current sensing allows for the driver toregulate the motor current during start up and highload events. A current limit can be set with anadjustable external voltage reference. Additionally,the devices provide an output current proportional tothe motor load current. This can be used to detectmotor stall or change in load conditions. Theintegrated current sensing uses an internal currentmirror architecture, removing the need for a largepower shunt resistor, saving board area and reducingsystem cost.
A low-power sleep mode is provided to achieve ultralowquiescent current draw by shutting down most ofthe internal circuitry. Internal protection features areprovided for supply undervoltage lockout (UVLO),charge pump undervoltage (CPUV), outputovercurrent (OCP), and device overtemperature(TSD). Fault conditions are indicated on nFAULT.

1• N-channel H-bridge motor driver
– Drives one bidirectional brushed DC motor
– Two unidirectional brushed DC motors
– Other resistive and inductive loads
• 4.5-V to 37-V operating supply voltage range
• High output current capability
– DRV8876: 3.5-A Peak
• Integrated current sensing and regulation
• Proportional current output (IPROPI)
• Selectable current regulation (IMODE)
– Cycle-by-cycle or fixed off time
• Selectable input control modes (PMODE)
– PH/EN and PWM H-bridge control modes
– Independent half-bridge control mode
• Supports 1.8-V, 3.3-V, and 5-V logic inputs
• Ultra low-power sleep mode
– <1-μA @ VVM = 24-V, TJ = 25℃
• Spread spectrum clocking For lowelectromagnetic interference (EMI)
• Integrated protection features
– Undervoltage lockout (UVLO)
– Charge pump undervoltage (CPUV)
– Overcurrent protection (OCP)
– Thermal shutdown (TSD)
– Automatic fault recovery
– Fault indicator pin (nFAULT)

• Brushed DC motors
• Major and small home appliances
• Vacuum, humanoid, and toy robotics
• Printers and scanners
• Smart meters
• ATMs, currency counters, and EPOS
• Servo motors and actuators





The DRV8876x/74xEVM is a complete solution for evaluating the DRV8876/74x H-bridge motor drivers. Itincludes an MSP430™ microcontroller that is preprogrammed to take input from two dedicated analogpotentiometers for PWM speed control of one or two brushed DC motors. The jumper on the PMODE pinallows the user to select from the input modes of PH/EN (GND), PWM (3.3 V), and independent halfbrid
gecontrol (Hi-Z). Power can be provided externally up to 37 V through the power header.
The DRV8876/74xEVM uses a single header for power entry to the EVM board. Only a single powersupply rail is necessary since an onboard 3.3-V regulator provides power to the MSP430. The minimum
recommended VM voltage for the EVM is 4.5 V and the maximum is 37 V. For complete voltage rangeinformation of the driver itself, refer to the device.
As previously mentioned, the MSP430 comes preprogrammed to control basic DC motor operation. Ifchanging the firmware via the external ez430™ development tool, do not supply power to the VMconnector on the EVM. The ez430™ board provides the necessary power during programming whenconnected to the J6 connector.


图6.评估模块DRV8876EVM PCB 3D视图


图8.评估模块DRV8876EVM PCB设计图(1)

图9.评估模块DRV8876EVM PCB设计图(2)

图10.评估模块DRV8876EVM PCB设计图(3)

图11.评估模块DRV8876EVM PCB设计图(4)

图12.评估模块DRV8876EVM PCB设计图(5)

图13.评估模块DRV8876EVM PCB设计图(6)

图14.评估模块DRV8876EVM PCB设计图(7)

图15.评估模块DRV8876EVM PCB设计图(8)
产品型号 功能介绍 兼容型号 封装形式 工作电压 备注
ATD5988 ATD5988是一种便于使用的内部集成了译码器的微 特步进电机驱动器。其设计为能使双极步进电机以全、 半、1/4、1/8、1/16、1/32步进模式工作。步进模式由逻 辑输入管脚MSx选择。输出驱动能力达到32V和±2A。 ATD5988包含一个工作在慢衰或混合衰减模式的固定衰 减时间的电流调节器。 A5988 QFN-28 6.5V-32V 内置转换器和过流保护的微特步进电机驱动芯片
AT8841 AT8841为打印机和其它电机一体化应用提供一种双通道集成电机驱动方案。AT8841有两路H桥驱动,最大输出42V 3A,可驱动两路刷式直流电机,或者一路双极步进电机,或者螺线管或者其它感性负载。双极步进电机可以以整步、2细分、4细分运行,或者用软件实现高细分。 DRV8841 TSSOP-28 8V-42V 3A双路刷式直流或单路双极步进电机驱动器(PWM 控制器)
AT8840 AT8840为打印机和其它电机一体化应用提供一种单通道H桥集成电机驱动方案。AT8840有一路H桥驱动,最大输出42V 3.5A(5A峰值),可驱动一路刷式直流电机。 DRV8840 TSOOP-28 8V-42V 具有浪涌电流保护功能的 5A 刷式直流电机驱动器(PH/EN 控制器)
AT4931 AT4931 是一款三相无刷直流电机预驱动芯片,能够在宽电 压范围内驱动N 沟道功率MOSFET,且电机电源最高可支持到 30V. A4931 QFN-28 8V-38V 三相直流电动机预驱动器
深圳市永阜康科技有限公司 粤ICP备17113496号 服务热线:0755-82863877 手机:13242913995