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发布时间:2019/4/30 10:17:00 来源:永阜康科技
张代明 3003290139
姚红霞 3003214837
李湘宁 2850985550
Diodes公司的AP72200是大电流同步DC/DC升降压转换器,具有高效率,极好的瞬态响应和大DC输出精度.它采用四开关H桥配置,支持降压和升压工作,升/降压提供大于2A的输出电流.AP72200具有I2C兼容两线串行接口,包括双向串行数据线,SDA和串行时钟线,SCL.支持SCL时钟速率高达3.4MHz;此外,还具有UVLO,OTP和OCP保护电路.输入电压VIN从2.3V到5.5V,输出电压从2.6V-5.14V,连续输出电流2A,当VOUT=3.4V和 VIN>2.9V时效率高达97%.主要用在智能手机,平板电脑和其它手持设备.本文介绍了AP72200主要特性,功能框图,典型应用以及评估板AP72200-EVM主要特性,电路图,材料清单和PCB设计图.
The AP72200 is a high-current synchronous buck-boost converter providing high efficiency, excellent transient response, and high DC output accuracy. The targeted applications are smartphones, tablets, and other handheld devices. The AP72200 utilizes a four-switch H-bridge configuration to support buck and boost operation. The buck-boost provides at least 2A output current.
The current control scheme handles wide input/output voltage ratios and provides low external component count with outstanding performance in line/load transient response and seamless transition between buck and boost modes.
The AP72200 features I2C compatible, two-wire serial interface consisting of a bidirectional serial-data line, SDA, and a serial-clock line, SCL. It supports SCL clock rates up to 3.4MHz.
The AP72200 also features UVLO, OTP, and OCP to protect the circuit.
This IC is available in a small 2.125mm × 1.750mm, 20 balls WLCSP package.

• VIN 2.3V to 5.5V
• Output Voltage Range: 2.6V to 5.14V
• 2A Continuous Output Current for VOUT=3.4V and VIN>2.9V Efficiency Up to 97%
• 2.5MHz Switching Frequency
• I2C Interface
• Selectable MODE PFM/PWM
• Ultrasonic Operation Programmable through I2C
• Power Good Indicator with 5MΩ Internal Pull-Up
• Adjustable Overcurrent Limit
• Fully Protected for Overcurrent, Short Circuit, Reverse Current Protection, Overtemperature, and UVLO
• Totally Lead-Free & Fully RoHS Compliant (Notes 1 & 2)
• Halogen and Antimony Free. “Green” Device (Note 3)

• Smartphones
• Tablets
• Portable Consumer Devices


图2. AP72200典型应用

The AP72200 is a high current synchronous buck-boost converter providing high efficiency, excellent transient response and high DC output accuracy. The targeted applications are smartphones, tablets, and other handheld devices. The AP72200 utilizes a four switches H-bridge configuration to support buck and boost operation. The buck-boost provides at least 2A output current.
The current control scheme handles wide input/output voltage ratios and provides low external component count with outstanding performance in line/load transient response and seamless transition between buck and boost modes.
The AP72200 features I2C compatible, 2-wires serial interface consisting of a bidirectional serial-data line, SDA, and a serial-clock line, SCL. It supports SCL clock rates up to 3.4MHz.
The AP72200 also features UVLO, OTP, and OCP to protect the circuit.
This IC is available in a small 2.125x1.750mm, 20 balls WLCSP package

 VIN 2.3V to 5.5V
 Output Voltage range: 2.6V to 5.14V
 2A Continuous Output Current for VOUT=3.4V and VIN > 2.9V Efficiency Up to 97%
 2.5MHz Switching Frequency
 I2C Interface
 Selectable MODE PFM/PWM
 Ultrasonic Operation Programmable through I2C
 Power Good Indicator with 5M Internal Pull-up
 Adjustable Overcurrent Limit
 Full Protected for Overcurrent,Short Circuit,Reverse Current Protection, Over Temperature, and UVLO
 Totally Lead-Free & Fully RoHS Compliant
 Halogen and Antimony Free. “Green” Device


 Smartphones
 Tablets
 Portable Consumer Devices



图5.评估板AP72200-EVM PCB设计图:顶层

图6.评估板AP72200-EVM PCB设计图:底层
产品型号 功能介绍 兼容型号 封装形式 工作电压 备注
HT7166 输入电压范围VIN:2.7V-13V;输出电压范围VOUT:4.5V-13V;内部固定峰值电流:10A ESOP-8 2.7V-13V ESOP-8带输出关断的13V、10A同步升压IC
HT71678 带音频检测和输出关断的13V,10A自适应H类同步升压转换器,带有音频信号检测功能;输入电压范围VIN:2.7V-13V;输出电压范围VOUT:4.5V-13V;可编程峰值电流:10A QFN-20 2.7V-13V 带音频信号检测和输出关断的13V,10A自适应H类同步升压转换器
HT7167 输入电压范围VIN:2.7V-13V;输出电压范围VOUT:4.5V-13V;可编程峰值电流:10A. HT7178/TPS61088/SCT12A1 DFN-20 2.7V-13V 带输出关断的13V、10A全集成同步升压转换器
HT7178 输入电压范围:2.7V -14 V;输出电压范围:4.5V-20V ;可编程峰值电流: 14A TPS61088/HT7167 DFN-20 2.7V-14V 20V 14A带输出关断的全集成同步升压IC
深圳市永阜康科技有限公司 粤ICP备17113496号 服务热线:0755-82863877 手机:13242913995