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MAX77860USB Type-C 3A开关降压充电器解决方案
发布时间:2019/4/19 10:33:00 来源:永阜康科技
张代明 3003290139
姚红霞 3003214837
李湘宁 2850985550
Maxim公司的MAX77860是USB Type-C 3A开关模式降压充电器,集成了CC检测和BC1.2检测和ADC.该充电器集成了两个开关,使用小型电感和电容尺寸,可编程充电电流,非常适合用在手持设备如智能手机,IoT设备和其它锂电池电子设备.充电器具有单输入,可工作于USB和高压适配器.支持BC 1.2标准下的USB Type-C CC检测,芯片还集成了电源通路开关,USB-OTG输出提供真负载断开功能,并可调整输出电流限制,而输入电流限制高达4.0A,单电池充电电流高达3.15A;当配置在反向升压模式,器件就不需要另外电感器.高达14V保护,充电器具有D+/D-充电检测,CC,CV和芯片温度控制,主-从充电功能,高达6A充电电流,支持USB-OTG反向升压,高达1.5A电流限制.本文介绍了MAX77860主要优势和特性,框图和功能框图,典型应用电路图以及评估板MAX77860 EVK主要特性,电路图,建立图和材料清单.

The MAX77860 is a high-performance single input switch mode charger that features USB Type-C CC detection capability in addition to reverse boost capability and a Safe­out LDO.

This switched-mode battery charger with two integrated switches, provides small inductor and capacitor sizes, programmable battery charging current, and is ideally suited for portable devices such as smartphones, IoT devices, and other Li-ion battery powered electronics. The charger features a single input, which works for both USB and high voltage adapters. It supports USB Type-C CC detection under BC 1.2 specification, and the power-path switch is integrated in the chip. All MAX77860 blocks connected to the adapter/USB pin are protected from input overvoltage events up to 14V. The USB-OTG output provides true-load disconnect and is protected by an adjustable output current limit. It has an input current limit up to 4.0A, and can charge a single-cell battery up to 3.15A. When config­ured in reverse-boost mode, the IC requires no additional inductors to power USB-OTG accessories. The switching charger is designed with a special CC, CV, and die tem­perature regulation algorithm, as well as I2C programma­ble settings to accommodate a wide range of battery sizes and system loads. The on-chip ADC can help monitor the charging input voltage/current, battery voltage, charging/discharging current, and the battery temperature.

The MAX77860 communicates through an I2C 3.0 com­patible serial interface consisting of a bidirectional serial data line (SDA) and a serial clock line (SCL). The IC is available in a 3.9mm x 4.0mm, 81-bump (9 x 9 array), 0.4mm pitch, wafer-level package (WLP).

● Single-Input Switch Mode Charger
• Up to 14V Protection
• 4.0V to 13.5V Input Operating Range
• Switching Charger with D+/D- Charger Detection
• Up to 4.0A Input Current Limit with Adaptive Input Current Limit (AICL)
• Up to 3.15A Battery Charging Current Limit
• Optional External Sense Resistor
• CC, CV, and Die Temperature Control
• Supports USB-OTG Reverse Boost, up to 1.5A Current Limit
• Master-Slave Charging Capability, up to 6A Charge Current
• Integrated Battery True-Disconnect FET
• Rated up to 9ARMS, Discharge Current Limit (Programmable)
● USB Type-C Detection
• Integrated VCONN Switch
• CC Pin
• D+/D- Detection for USB HVDCP
• BC 1.2 Support
● One Safeout LDO
● I2C-Compatible Interface


● USB Type-C Charging for 1S Li-ion Applications
● Mobile Point-of-Sale Devices
● Portable Medical Equipment
● Portable Industrial Equipment




评估板MAX77860 EVK
The MAX77860 evaluation system (EV system) is a fully assembled and tested surface-mount printed circuit board (PCB) that evaluates the single input switched-mode battery charger featuring USB Type-C CC detection and charging capability in addition to reverse boost capability and a safest LDO.
The MAX77860 EV system includes the integrated circuit (IC) evaluation board with an integrated I2C interface and a MINIQUSB communication device. Windows® based graphical user interface (GUI) software is available for use with the EV system and can be downloaded from the MAX77860 product page on the Maxim website. A Windows 7 or newer operating system is required to use the EV kit GUI software.

图4.评估板MAX77860 EVK外形图

评估板MAX77860 EVK主要特性:
Evaluates MAX77860 Single-Input Switch Mode Charger
Demonstrates 4.0V to 13.5V Input Operation Range
Demonstrates USB Type-C Charging Up to 3.15A
Demonstrates Adapter Detection
Demonstrates USB-OTG Functionality
Assembled and Tested
I2C Serial Interface

评估板MAX77860 EVK应用:
Mobile Point-of-Sale Devices
Portable Industrial Equipment
Portable Medical Equipment
USB Type-C Charging for 1S Li-ion Applications

图5.评估板MAX77860 EVK建立图

图6.评估板MAX77860 EVK电路图(1)

图7.评估板MAX77860 EVK电路图(2)
评估板MAX77860 EVK材料清单:

产品型号 功能介绍 兼容型号 封装形式 工作电压 备注
VAS5176 VAS5176 是一款8.5V-24V 输入,高度集成的开关型锂离子/聚合物电池充电管理芯片, 以高精度调节2A充电电流,和电池电压。 VAS5175A/VAS5176 ESOP-8 8.5V-24V 8.5V-24V输入2A开关降压型2节/3节4节锂电池充电管理IC
VAS5175H VAS5175H 是一款5V-24V 输入,开关降压型1节4.35V/2节8.7V锂离子/聚合物电池充电芯片, 以高精度调节2A 充电电流,和电池电压。它密切监测电池组的温度只在设置安全温度范围下允许充电,还提供电池检测、预充电调节、充电饱充和充电状态指示等功能。 VAS5175A/VAS5176 ESOP-8 5V-26V 2A开关降压型1节4.35V/2节8.7V锂电池充电管理IC
VAS5175A VAS5175A 是一款5V-24V输入,高度集成的开关型锂离子/聚合物电池充电芯片, 以高精度调节2A充电电流,和电池电压。它密切监测电池组的温度只在设置安全温度范围下允许充电,还提供电池检测、预充电调节、充电饱充和充电状态指示等功能。 VAS5175H/VAS5176 ESOP-8 5V-24V 2.0A, 1/2节锂电池开关型充电器
CS5256 CS5256E是一款5V输入,支持单节锂电池或锂离子聚合物电池的降压充电管理IC。CS5256E集成功率MOS,采用同步开关架构,使其在应用时仅需极少的外围器件, 可有效减少整体方案尺寸, 降低BOM成 本。CS5256E转换器具有2A的充电电流能力,充电电流可以通过外部电阻灵活可调, 充电效率可以达到 90%以上。 ESOP-8 3.7V-6.0V 具有自适应输入电流限制、2A同步降压型锂电池充电管理IC
深圳市永阜康科技有限公司 粤ICP备17113496号 服务热线:0755-82863877 手机:13242913995