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发布时间:2018/8/23 9:39:00 来源:永阜康科技
张代明 3003290139
姚红霞 3003214837
李湘宁 2850985550
The CIPOS™ module family offers the chance for integrating various power and control components to increase reliability, optimize PCB size and system costs.
It is designed to control three phase AC motors and permanent magnet motors with single phase PFC in variable speed drives for applications like an air conditioning and low power motor drives. The package concept is specially adapted to power applications, which need good thermal conduction and electrical isolation, but also EMI-save control and overload protection.
TRENCHSTOP™ IGBT3 and anti-parallel diodes are combined with an optimized SOI gate driver for excellent electrical performance.
System Configuration
 3 half bridges with TRENCHSTOP™ IGBT3 and anti parallel diodes
 3ɸ SOI gate driver
 Single phase PFC with TRENCHSTOP™ 5 and Rapid switching emitter controlled diode
 Thermistor
 Pin-to-heatsink clearance distance typ. 1.6mm

 Dual In-Line molded module
 Lead-free terminal plating; RoHS compliant
 Very low thermal resistance due to DCB
 Rugged SOI gate driver technology with stability against transient and negative voltage
 Allowable negative VS potential up to -11V for signal transmission at VBS=15V
 Integrated bootstrap functionality
 Over current shutdown
 Temperature monitor
 Under-voltage lockout at all channels
 Low side common emitter
 Cross-conduction prevention
 All of 6 switches turn off during protection
 Rapid switching emitter controlled diode

 Home appliances
 Low power motor drives



This user manual provides an overview of the evaluation board Eval-M3-CM615PN including its main features,key data, pin assignments and mechanical dimensions.
Eval-M3-CM615PN is an evaluation board as part of the iMOTION™ Modular Application Design Kit. This powerboard includes a PFC integrated 3-phase CIPOS™ Mini Intelligent Power Module (IPM) for motor driveapplication. In combination with the control board equipped with the M3 30pin interface connector such asEVAL-M3-102T, it features and demonstrates Infineon’s CIPOS™ Mini IPM technology and Advanced MotionControl Engine (MCE 2.0) technology for permanent magnet motors drive over the full speed range.
The inverter section has 600V of voltage and 15A of current rating, and the PFC section has 650V of voltage and30A of current rating. It is optimized to major home appliances like air conditioners and low power motor dirveapplication with high
frequency switching operation of power factor correction.
This evaluation board Eval-M3-CM615PN was developed to support customers during their first steps designingapplications with CIPOS™ Mini PFC integrated IPM IFCM15P60GD and running any permanent magnet motor viasensorless sinusoidal control.
The Eval-M3-CM615PN evaluation power board is a part of the iMOTION™ Modular Application Design Kit formotor drives (iMOTION™ MADK). In order to run a motor, the matching control board is required to interfacethis power board.
The MADK platform is intended to use various power stages with different control boards. These boards caneasily be interfaced through the 30-pin iMOTION™ MADK M3 such as Eval-M3-102T, or the 20-pin iMOTION™MADK M1 interface connector to control board. This board is equipped with 30-pin M3 connector and isintended for single motor control only.
This evaluation board is designed to give Easy-to-use power stage based on the Infineon ’ s CIPOS™ MiniInteligent Power Module (IPM). The board is equipped with all assembly groups for sensorless field orientedcontrol (FOC). It provides a single-phase AC-connector, rectifier, a PFC inductor connector, Boost PFC and 3-phase output for connecting the motor. The power stage also contains emitter shunts for current sensing and avoltage divider for DC-link voltage measurement.
The Eval-M3-CM615PN evaluation board is available through regular Infineon distribution partners as well as onInfineon ’ s website. The features of this board are described in the main features chapter of this document,whereas the remaining paragraphs provide information to enable the customers to copy, modify and qualifythe design for production according to their own specific requirements.
Environmental conditions were considered in the design of the Eval-M3-CM615PN, but it is not qua
lifiedregarding safety requirements or manufacturing and operation over the whole operating temperature range orlifetime. The boards provided by Infineon are subject to functional testing only.
The block diagram of the Eval-M3-CM615PN is depicted in Figure 2. This evaluation board includes an EMI filterand soft power up circuit, 30 pins iMOTION™ MADK-M3 interface connector, auxil
iary power supply to provide15V and 3.3V, PFC gate dirve circuit and the CIPOS™Mini IPM IFCM15P60GD.

Eval-M3-CM615PN is an evaluation board for motor drive applications with single phase PFC integrated 3 phaseIPM. Combined in a kit with one of the available MADK control board options, it demonstrates Infineon’s motioncontrol IC and IPM technology for motor drives with single phase PFC.

Main features of CIPOS™ Mini IPM IFCM15P60GD are:
• 3 half bridges with TRENCHSTOP™ IGBT3 15A/600V and antiparallel diodes for inverter section
• 30A/650V TRENCHSTOP™ 5 IGBT and rapid switching emitter controlled diode for PFC section
• Lead-free terminal plating; RoHS compliant
• Very low thermal resistance due to DCB
• Rugged SOI gate driver technology with stability against transient and negative voltage
• Negative potential allowed up to VS =-11V for single transmission at VBS=15V
• Integrated bootstrap functionality
• Overcurrent shutdown
• Temperature monitor
• Undervoltage lockout at all channels
• Low side common emitter
• Cross conduction prevention
• All six switches turn off during protection

• Input voltage 160~265VAC
• Maximum 650W motor power output
• Power Factor Correction
• On board EMI filter
• Current sensing with single shunt
• Auxiliary power supply with 15V, 3.3V
• Overcurrent protection
• Overtemperature hardware protection
• Sensing of DC-link voltage
• Thermistor output
• Fault diagnostic output
• Measurement test-points compatible to standard oscilloscope probes
• PCB is 120 mm × 120 mm and has two layers with 35μm copper each
• RoHS complaint





图7.评估板EVAL-M3-CM615PN电路图: PFC部分



图10.评估板EVAL-M3-CM615PN PCB设计图:顶层装配

图11.评估板EVAL-M3-CM615PN PCB设计图:底层装配

图12.评估板EVAL-M3-CM615PN PCB设计图:顶层走线

图13.评估板EVAL-M3-CM615PN PCB设计图:底层布局

产品型号 功能介绍 兼容型号 封装形式 工作电压 备注
AT8812C AT8812C为打印机和其它电机一体化应用提供一种双通道集成电机驱动方案。 DRV8812/DRV8813 HTSSOP-28 8~38V 具有4级电流调节的1A双极步进电机驱动IC
AT8810 AT8810为打印机和其它电机一体化应用提供一种双通道集 成电机驱动方案。 BD68610 HTSSOP-16 8~38V 舞台灯光专用步进电机驱动IC
HR4995 HR4995是一种便于使用的内部集成了译码器的微特步进电机驱动器。 A4985 QFN-24 8V-38V 内置转换器和过流保护的微特步进电机驱动芯片
HR9110 HR9110是应用于直流电机方案的单通道H桥驱动器芯片。 L9110 SOP-8 1.8V-6.8V 1.2A玩具单通道直流电机驱动IC
HR2125 HR2125是一种双通道、低导通压降的正反向电机驱动芯片,为玩具、打印机和其它电机一体化应用提供一种双通道电机驱动方案。 DFN-10 1.8V-6.8V 低压双通道H桥驱动器
AT8870 AT8870是一款刷式直流电机驱动器,适用于打印机、电器、 工业设备以及其他小型机器 DRV8870/A4950 SOP-8 6.5V-38V 3.6A单通道刷式直流电机驱动IC
AT8812 AT8812为打印机和其它电机一体化应用提供一种双通道集成电机驱动方案。AT8812有两路H桥驱动,最大输出38V 2A,可驱动两路刷式直流电机,或者一路双极步进电机,或者螺线管或者其它感性负载。 DRV8812 HSSOP-28 8V-38V
AT8313 AT8313提供三路可独立控制的半H桥驱动,每个半H桥可输出2.5A峰值电流或1.75A均方根(RMS)电流输出,可驱动一个三相直流无刷电机,也可被用于驱动螺线管或者其它负载。 DRV8313 QFN-36 8-38V
HR8826 HR8826是一种内置步进表的集成微步进电机驱动器,为打印机、扫描仪和其它自动化设备提供解决方案。其设计为能使双极步进电机以全、半、1/4、1/8、1/16、1/32步进模式工作。步进模式由逻辑输入MODEx选择。输出驱动能力达到38V和±3A。HR8826的衰减模式可编程。 DRV8825 TSSOP-28 8V-38V/3A 具有片上1/32微步进分度器的3A双极步进电机驱动IC
HR8828 HR8828是一种内置步进表的集成微步进电机驱动器,为打印机、扫描仪和其它自动化设备提供解决方案。其设计为能使双极步进电机以全、半、1/4、1/8、1/16、1/32步进模式工作。步进模式由逻辑输入MODEx选择。输出驱动能力达到38V和±3.5A。HR8828的衰减模式可编程。 TB6560 QFN-48/LQFP-48 8V-38V/3.5A 内置步进表的3.5A集成微步进电机驱动器
HR3992 HR3992是一种便于使用PWM来控制电流的双极微特步进电机驱动器, 输出驱动能力达到35V和±1.5A。内部固定关闭时间的PWM电流控制时序电路可以通过串行接口进行编程,使其工作在慢衰、快衰或混合衰减模式。 A3992 TSSOP-24 8V-35V/1.6A DMOS 全桥 PWM 微步进电机驱动芯片
HR4982 HR4982是一种便于使用的内部集成了译码器的微特步进电机驱动器。其设计为能使双极步进电机以全、半、1/32和1/128步进模式工作。步进模式由逻辑输入MSx选择。输出驱动能力达到35V和±2A。HR4982包含一个工作在慢衰或混合衰减模式的固定关闭时间的电流调节器。 A4982 TSSOP-28 8V-35V/2A 内置转换器和过流保护的微特步进电机驱动芯片
HR4988 HR4988是一种便于使用的内部集成了译码器的微特步进电机驱动器。其设计为能使双极步进电机以全、半、1/4、1/8、1/16、1/32、1/64和1/128步进模式工作。步进模式由逻辑输入MSx选择。输出驱动能力达到35V和±2A。HR4988包含一个工作在慢衰或混合衰减模式的固 定关闭时间的电流调节器。 A4988 TSSOP-28/QFN-28 8V-35V/2A 内置转换器和过流保护的微特步进电机驱动芯片
HR8833 HR8833为玩具、打印机和其它电机一体化应用提供一种双通道电机驱动方案。HR8833有两路H桥驱动,可以驱动两路刷式直流电机,或者一个双极步进电机,或者螺线管或者其它感性负载。 DRV8833 TSSOP-16 2.70V-12.8V 2A低电压双路刷式直流或单路双极步进PWM绕组电流调节/限制电机驱动器IC
HR5561 HR5561是应用于直流电机方案的单通道H桥驱动器芯片。 HR5561的H桥驱动部分采用低导通电阻的PMOS和NMOS功率管。低导 通电阻保证芯片低的功率损耗,使得芯片安全工作更长时间。此 外HR5561拥有低待机电流、低静态工作电流。这些性能使能HR5561 易用于玩具方案。 AT5561 SOP-8/DIP-8 1.8V-6.0V 玩具单通道直流电机驱动器
HR1084 HR1084是应用于直流电机方案的单通道H桥驱动器芯片。 HR1084的H桥驱动部分采用低导通电阻的PMOS和NMOS功率管。低导 通电阻保证芯片低的功率损耗,使得芯片安全工作更长时间。此 外HR1084拥有低待机电流、低静态工作电流。这些性能使能HR1084 易用于玩具方案。 DW1084 SOP-8/DIP-8 1.8V-6.0V/1A 玩具单通道低电压1A直流电机驱动IC
HR4985 HR4985是一种便于使用的内部集成了译码器的微步进电机驱动器。其设计为使双极步进电机能够以全、半、1/4和1/8步进操作。步进模式由逻辑输入MSx选择。输出驱动能力达到35V和±1A。HR4985包括一个能够控制慢或混合衰减模式的电流调节器,其截止时间固定。 A4985 QFN-24 8V-35V/1.0A 带转换器和过流保护的 DMOS 微步驱动器
HR3988 HR3988是一款四路DMOS全桥驱动芯片,能够驱动多达2个步进电机或4个直流电机。每个全桥输出额定值高达36V, 1.2 A。 A3988 TQFP-48 8V-35V/1.2A 四路DMOS全桥电机驱动芯片
HR3979 HR3979是一种新近开发出来、专门用于双极步进电机的微步进电机驱动集成电路,能驱动马达以全、1/2、1/4及1/16步进操作,其内部集成了步进和直接译码接口、正反转控制电路、双H桥驱动,单路输出额定值达到35V、±2.5A。 A3979 TSSOP-28 8V-35V/2.5A 带转换器的微步 DMOS 驱动器
HR3967 HR3967是一种新近开发出来、专门用于双极步进电机的微步进电机驱动集成电路,能以全、1/2、1/4及1/8微步细分驱动马达,输出额定值能达到30V、±750mA 。 A3967 SOP-24 8V-35V/750mA 内置转换器的微步进电机驱动芯片
深圳市永阜康科技有限公司 粤ICP备17113496号 服务热线:0755-82863877 手机:13242913995