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发布时间:2018/7/13 9:44:00 来源:永阜康科技
张代明 3003290139
姚红霞 3003214837
李湘宁 2850985550
ADI公司的ADPD188BI是用于烟雾检测的集成光模块,采用光学双波长技术,组成完整的光测量系统.模块集成了高效光测量前端,两个LED和两个光电二极管(PD),而前端采用专用集成电路(ASIC),包括控制区块,带20位突发累加器的14位ADC和三个灵活单独可配置的370mA LED驱动器,I2C或SPI接口,主要用在烟雾检测.本文介绍了DPD188BI主要特性,功能框图,I2C和SPI模式连接图表,以及评估板EVAL-ADPD188BIZ-SK主要特性和电路图.
The ADPD188BI is a complete photometric system for smokedetection using optical dual wavelength technology. The module integrates a highly efficient photometric front end, two lightemitting diodes (LEDs), and two photodiodes (PDs). Theseitems are housed in a custom package that prevents light from going directly from the LED to the photodiode without first entering the smoke detection chamber. The front end of the application specific integrated circuit(ASIC) consists of a control block, a 14-bit analog-to-digital converter (ADC) with a 20-bit burst accumulator, and three flexible, independently configurable LED drivers. The controlcircuitry includes flexible LED signaling and synchronous detection. The analog front end (AFE) features best-in-class rejection of signal offset and corruption due to modulatedinterference commonly caused by ambient light. The dataoutput and functional configuration occur over a 1.8 V I2C interface or serial peripheral interface (SPI) port.

3.8 mm×5.0 mm×0.9 mm module with integrated optical components
1 blue LED, 1 IR LED, and 2 photodiodes
2 external inputs for other sensors (for example,CO and temperature)
Three 370 mA LED drivers
20-bit burst accumulator enabling 20 bits per sample period
On-board sample to sample accumulator enabling up to 27 bits per data read
Optimized SNR for signal limited cases
I2C or SPI communications

Smoke detection


图2.DPD188BI I2C模式连接图

图3.DPD188BI SPI模式连接图

The EVAL-ADPD188BIZ-SK evaluation board provides users with a simple means of evaluating the ADPD188BI optical module for smoke and aerosol detection applications. The evaluation system includes the Applications WaveTool graphical user interface (GUI), providing users with low level and high level configurability, real-time
frequency and time domain analysis, and user datagram protocol (UDP) transfer capability so that the evaluation board can easily interface to the user development system. The EVAL-ADPD188BIZ-SK is powered through the ribbon cable from the EVAL-ADPDUCZ microcontroller board, obtained separately.

Supports the detection of UART
UDP transfer capability
Full configuration of the ADPD188BI
Register level
High level
Graph view
Time graph
Frequency graph

EVAL-ADPD188BIZ-SK evaluation board
Ribbon cable




产品型号 功能介绍 兼容型号 封装形式 工作电压 备注
HT7178 输入电压范围:2.7V -14 V;输出电压范围:4.5V-20V ;可编程峰值电流: 14A TPS61088/HT7167 DFN-20 2.7V-14V 20V 14A带输出关断的全集成同步升压IC
FP6296 工作電壓範圍2.7V~12V;可調輸出電壓最高13V;内置10A的MOS ESOP-8 2.7V-12V 内置MOS的10A大电流DC-DC异步升压IC
HT97230 2X125mW/5.0V/32Ω QFN-24 2.5V-5.5V 带3D环绕音效、低音增强的免电容高保真G类耳机IC
HT97220 2X125mW/5.0V/32Ω MAX97220/MAX9722/LM4917/SGM4917 QFN-16 2.5V-5.5V 免电容高保真差分输入125mW立体声G类耳机放大IC,管脚兼容MAX97220/MAX9722/LM4817/SGM4917
NS4168 2.5W/5V/4Ω ESOP-8 2.8V-5.5V I2S数字输入、防失真、2.5W单声道D类音频功放IC
深圳市永阜康科技有限公司 粤ICP备17113496号 服务热线:0755-82863877 手机:13242913995