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发布时间:2018/6/12 9:23:00 来源:永阜康科技
张代明 3003290139
姚红霞 3003214837
李湘宁 2850985550
ST公司的TBC03是具有低静态电流的LDO稳压器和负载开关的锂电池充电器,包括150mA LDO,2个SPDT负载开关,以及保护电路模块(PCM),采用CC/CV算法进行充电电池,快速充电电流高达650mA,预充电电流从1mA起,可调浮电压高达4.45V,主要用在智能手表和可穿戴设备,健身和医疗设备,以及锂电池和其它Li-Poly电池可再充电设备.本文介绍了TBC03主要特性,框图,应用电路图及其材料清单,Li-Ion/Li-Po电池电源管理评估板STEVAL-ISB035V1主要特性,电路图,材料清单和PCB设计图.
The STBC03 is a highly integrated power management,
embedding a linear batterycharger, a 150 mA LDO, 2 SPDT load switches, and a protection circuit module(PCM) to prevent the battery from being damaged under fault conditions.
The STBC03 uses a CC/CV algorithm to charge the battery; the fast charge and the pre-charge current can be both independently programmed using dedicatedresistors. The termination current is set to 5% of the programmed fast charge current,but has fixed values for fast charge currents lower than 20 mA. The battery floatingvoltage value is programmable and can be set to a value up to 4.45 V.
The STBC03 also features a charger
enable input to stop the charging processanytime.The STBC03 is automatically powered off from the connected battery when the IN pinis not connected to a valid power source (battery mode).A battery under/overtemperature condition can be detected by using an externalcircuitry (NTC thermistor).
The STBC03 draws less than 10 nA from the connected battery in shipping modeconditions, so to maximize the battery life during shelf life of the final application. Thedevice is available in the Flip Chip 30 package.

• Charges single-cell Li-Ion batteries with CC/CV algorithm and chargetermination
• Fast charge current up to 650 mA adjustable by external resistor
• Pre-charge current from 1 mA
• Adjustable floating voltage up to 4.45 V
• Integrated low quiescent LDO regulator
• Automatic power path management
• Auto-recharge function
• Embedded protection circuit module (PCM) featuring battery overcharge, batteryover-discharge and battery overcurrent protections
• Charging timeout
• Shipping mode feature allows battery low leakage when over-discharged
• Very low battery leakage in over-discharge and shutdown mode
• Charger enable input
• Charge/fault status output
• Battery voltage pin to allow external gauging
• Two 3 Ω SPDT load switches
• Available in Flip Chip 30, 400 μm pitch package
• Rugged ±4 kV HBM, ESD protection on the most critical pins


• Smart watches and wearable devices
• Fitness and medical accessories
• Li-Ion and other Li-Poly battery rechargeable equipment




The STEVAL-ISB035V1 is an evaluation board based on the STBC03 battery power management IC, integrating a linearcharger for single-cell Li-Ion batteries with battery protection functions, an LDO regulator and two SPDT load switches.

The device uses a CC-CV algorithm to charge the battery; the fast-charge and pre-charge currents can be programmed usingan external resistor.

The input supply voltage is used to charge the battery and provide power to the LDO regulator. When a valid input voltage is notpresent and the battery is not empty, the device automatically switches to battery power.

When shutdown mode is activated, battery power consumption falls to less than 100 nA.
Two 3-Ω SPDT load switches with dedicated control input are embedded to intelligently manage overall system powerconsumption. The STEVAL-ISB035V1 can work in standalone mode, but several digital inputs can be used to control theSTBC03 for full operation.

The STEVAL-ISB035V1 evaluation board provides full access to STBC03 functions through header connectors and can besupplied through a micro-AB USB connector.


The STEVAL-ISB035V1 evaluation board size is 50 mm x 50 mm.
The PCB is made by using FR4 glass epoxy support with 4 copper layers.


• Charges single-cell Li-Ion/Li-Po batteries with CC-CV algorithm and charge termination
• Fast charge current programmable from 1 mA to 650 mA
• Pre-charge current programmable from 1 mA to 650 mA
• Adjustable floating voltage up to 4.45 V
• Integrated always-ON low quiescent LDO regulator
• Battery overcharge and over-discharge protections
• Overcurrent protection
• Shipping mode entry and exit inputs
• Integrated dual 3 Ω SPDT load switches
• Digital control inputs
• RoHS compliant


图5.评估板STEVAL-ISB035V1 PCB设计图(1):顶层

图6.评估板STEVAL-ISB035V1 PCB设计图(2):底层
产品型号 功能介绍 兼容型号 封装形式 工作电压 备注
CS5082 CS5082E是一款5V输入,支持双节锂电池串联应用,锂离 子电池的升压充电管理IC.CS5082E集成功率MOS,采用异步开关架构,使其在应用 时仅需极少的外围器件,可有效减少整体方案尺寸,降低BOM成本。 CS5082E的升压开关充电转换器的工作频率为600KHz最大2A输入充 电,转换效率为90%。 CS5080 ESOP-8 3.44V-7.0V 带NTC功能、5V USB输入、双节锂电池串联应用、升压充电管理IC,管脚兼容CS5080
CS5080 CS5080E是一款5V输入,支持双节锂电池串联应用,锂离子电池的升压充电管理IC.CS5080E集成功率MOS,采用异步开关架构,使其在应用时仅需极少的外围器件,可有效减少整体方案尺寸,降低BOM成本。CS5080E的升压开关充电转换器的工作频率为600KHz最大2A输入充电,转换效率为90%。 ESOP-8 3.44V-7.0V 5V USB输入、双节锂电池串联应用、升压充电管理IC
深圳市永阜康科技有限公司 粤ICP备17113496号 服务热线:0755-82863877 手机:13242913995