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DRV10987 50W三相无传感器BLDC马达驱动方案
发布时间:2018/4/12 13:31:00 来源:永阜康科技
张代明 3003290139
姚红霞 3003214837
李湘宁 2850985550
TI公司的DRV10987是50W 12V-24V三相无传感器BLDC马达驱动器,集成了功率MOSFET,提供连续驱动电流高达2A,马达工作电压6.2V-28V,集成了降压转换器5V/100mA,LDO 3.3V/20mA,主要用在空气净化器和加湿器,三向BLDC和PMSM马达,烘干循环风机,排水和水泵,台扇和吊扇.本文介绍了DRV10987主要特性,框图,应用电路图以及评估模块DRV10987 EVM主要特性,电路图,材料清单.
The DRV10987 device is a 3-phase sensorless 180°sinusodial motor driver with integrated powerMOSFETs, which can provide continuous drivecurrent up to 2 A. The device is specifically designedfor cost-sensitive, low-noise, low-external-componentcount fan and pump applications.™
The DRV10987 device delivers current to the motorwith supply voltage as low as 6.2 V. If the powersupply voltage is higher than 28 V, the device stopsdriving the motor and protects the DRV10987circuitry.
The DRV10987 device uses a proprietary sensorless control scheme to provide continuous sinusoidal drive,which significantly reduces the pure tone acoustics that typically occur as a result of commutation. The interfaceto the device is designed to be simple and flexible. The motor can be controlled directly through PWM, analog, orI2C inputs. Motor speed feedback is available through both the FG pin and the I2C interface simultaneously.
The DRV10987 device features an integrated buck regulator to step down the supply voltage efficiently to 5 V forpowering both internal and external circuits. The 3.3-V LDO also may be used to provide power for externalcircuits. The standby-mode (8.5 mA) version (DRV10987S) leaves the regulator running, and the sleep-mode (48μA) version (DRV10987D) shuts the regulator off. Throughout this data sheet, the DRV10987 part number isused for both devices, that is, DRV10987D (sleep version) and DRV10987S (standby version), except for specificdiscussions of sleep vs standby functionality.
An I2C interface allows the user to r
EPROgram specific motor parameters in registers and to program theEEPROM to help optimize the performance for a given application. The DRV10987 device is available in athermally-efficient HTSSOP, 24-pin package with an exposed thermal pad. The operating ambient temperature isspecified from –40℃ to 125℃.

1• Operation Voltage Range:
– Motor Operation, 6.2 V to 28 V
• Total Driver H + L rDS(on)
– 250 mΩ at TA = 25℃
• Drive Current: 2-A Continuous Winding Current(3-A Peak)
• Sensorless Sinusoidal 180° Commutation Scheme
• Configurable Output PWM Slew Rate andFrequency for EMI Management
• Initial Position-Detect Algorithm to Avoid Back-Spin During Start-Up
• No External Sense Resistor Required
• Flexible User Interface Options:
– I2C Interface: Access Registers for Commandand Feedback
– Dedicated SPEED Pin: Accepts Either Analogor PWM Input
– Dedicated FG Pin: Provides TACH Feedback
– Spin-Up Profile Can Be Customized WithEEPROM
– Forward-Reverse Control With DIR Pin
• Integrated Buck Converter, 5‑V, 100-mA
• Integrated LDO, 3.3‑V, 20-mA
• Standby Current, 8.5-mA
• Supply Current of 8.5 mA With Standby Version(DRV10987S)
• Supply Current of 48 μA With Sleep Version(DRV10987D)
• Protection Features
– Overcurrent Protection (Phase-to-Phase,Phase-to-GND and Phase-to-VCC Short
– Lock Detection to Detect Rotor Lock Condition
– Anti-Voltage Surge (AVS) Protection
– Undervoltae Lockout (UVLO)
– Overvoltage Protection
– Thermal Warning and Shutdown
• Thermally Enhanced Package

• Pedestal and Ceiling Fans
• Air Purifiers and Humidifiers
• Dryer Circulation Fans
• Drain and Water Pumps
• Three-Phase BLDC and PMSM Motors



评估模块DRV10987 EVM
This user ’s guide provides complete details of the customer evaluation module (EVM) for the DRV10987device including hardware implementation, jumper configuration, and operating procedure to run 3-phaseBLDC motors. This EVM user’s guide is intended to be used with the DRV10987 Tuning Guide tooptimally tune a user motor.
The DRV10987 EVM is a complete solution for evaluating the DRV10987 12-V or 24-V, three-phasesensorless BLDC motor drivers. Device evaluation and configuration for specific applications is possiblewith the provided DRV10987 EVM GUI. This document describes the kit details and explains the functionsand locations of test points, jumpers, and connectors present on the kit. This document is also a quickstartguide for using the GUI to tune a motor for application. For detailed information about the operatingmodes of the DRV10987 device

图3.评估模块DRV10987 EVM外形图

评估模块DRV10987 EVM主要特性:
• DRV10987 EVM board
• USB2ANY communication board for I2C GUI interaction
• USB cable
• 10-pin ribbon cable to connect the USB2ANY and DRV10987 EVM
• DRV10987 EVM GUI
The DRV10987 EVM boards and GUI are designed to work together to evaluate the device features.

图4.评估模块DRV10987 EVM PCB打印图

图5.评估模块DRV10987 EVM电路图
评估模块DRV10987 EVM材料清单:
产品型号 功能介绍 兼容型号 封装形式 工作电压 备注
ACM6755 ACM6754是一款三相无刷直流电机驱动芯片,内部集成无感三相无刷电机驱动算法、相电流检测电流电路、栅极驱动电路以及功率MOS管. 支持最大4.8A的相电流. ACM6754/55 的高集成度以及精简外围特别适用于高功率密度、小尺寸、静音要求高的三相无刷电机驱动器。 ACM6763 QFN-28 4.5V-28V 三相180˚ 正弦/方波, 无感或者外置霍尔的直流无刷电机驱动器, 180˚ 正弦/方波/开窗正炫可选
ACM6763 4.5V-32V、5A三相无刷无感驱动、180˚正弦,集成驱动算法+预驱+MOS ACM6755 QFN-28 4.5V-32V 三相180˚ 正弦, 无感或单霍尔,车规级无刷电机驱动
ACM6754 ACM6754是一款全集成、无需外置传感器的三相无刷电机驱动IC。内部集成电机控制算法和电流/ 电压检测,能够基于无刷电机旋转过程中的反电动势控制电机静音/ 高效旋转。 ACM6753 QFN-24 5V-28V 三相180˚ 正弦/方波, 无感或者外置霍尔的直流无刷电机驱动器
ACM6252 ACM6252是一款外置霍尔传感器的单相无刷电机驱动IC。内部集成电机控制算法和电流检测,能够基于霍尔信号控制单相无刷电机静音/ 高效旋转。内部集成4颗小于500mΩ的MOS保证1.2A电流输出的情况下优异的热性能。 APX9230/M8121 TSSOP-16/DFN-10 3.3V-18V 正弦波或方波驱动,外置霍尔的12V/1.2A单相无刷直流电机驱动器
ACM6753 18V、3A三相无刷无感驱动、180˚正弦,集成驱动算法+预驱+MOS ACM6754 QFN-24 5V-18V 5-18V无感三相无刷电机驱动器
AT8812C AT8812C为打印机和其它电机一体化应用提供一种双通道集成电机驱动方案。 DRV8812/DRV8813 HTSSOP-28 8~38V 具有4级电流调节的1A双极步进电机驱动IC
AT8810 AT8810为打印机和其它电机一体化应用提供一种双通道集 成电机驱动方案。 BD68610 HTSSOP-16 8~38V 舞台灯光专用步进电机驱动IC
HR4995 HR4995是一种便于使用的内部集成了译码器的微特步进电机驱动器。 A4985 QFN-24 8V-38V 内置转换器和过流保护的微特步进电机驱动芯片
HR9110 HR9110是应用于直流电机方案的单通道H桥驱动器芯片。 L9110 SOP-8 1.8V-6.8V 1.2A玩具单通道直流电机驱动IC
HR2125 HR2125是一种双通道、低导通压降的正反向电机驱动芯片,为玩具、打印机和其它电机一体化应用提供一种双通道电机驱动方案。 DFN-10 1.8V-6.8V 低压双通道H桥驱动器
AT8870 AT8870是一款刷式直流电机驱动器,适用于打印机、电器、 工业设备以及其他小型机器 DRV8870/A4950 SOP-8 6.5V-38V 3.6A单通道刷式直流电机驱动IC
AT8812 AT8812为打印机和其它电机一体化应用提供一种双通道集成电机驱动方案。AT8812有两路H桥驱动,最大输出38V 2A,可驱动两路刷式直流电机,或者一路双极步进电机,或者螺线管或者其它感性负载。 DRV8812 HSSOP-28 8V-38V
AT8313 AT8313提供三路可独立控制的半H桥驱动,每个半H桥可输出2.5A峰值电流或1.75A均方根(RMS)电流输出,可驱动一个三相直流无刷电机,也可被用于驱动螺线管或者其它负载。 DRV8313 QFN-36 8-38V
HR8826 HR8826是一种内置步进表的集成微步进电机驱动器,为打印机、扫描仪和其它自动化设备提供解决方案。其设计为能使双极步进电机以全、半、1/4、1/8、1/16、1/32步进模式工作。步进模式由逻辑输入MODEx选择。输出驱动能力达到38V和±3A。HR8826的衰减模式可编程。 DRV8825 TSSOP-28 8V-38V/3A 具有片上1/32微步进分度器的3A双极步进电机驱动IC
HR8828 HR8828是一种内置步进表的集成微步进电机驱动器,为打印机、扫描仪和其它自动化设备提供解决方案。其设计为能使双极步进电机以全、半、1/4、1/8、1/16、1/32步进模式工作。步进模式由逻辑输入MODEx选择。输出驱动能力达到38V和±3.5A。HR8828的衰减模式可编程。 TB6560 QFN-48/LQFP-48 8V-38V/3.5A 内置步进表的3.5A集成微步进电机驱动器
HR3992 HR3992是一种便于使用PWM来控制电流的双极微特步进电机驱动器, 输出驱动能力达到35V和±1.5A。内部固定关闭时间的PWM电流控制时序电路可以通过串行接口进行编程,使其工作在慢衰、快衰或混合衰减模式。 A3992 TSSOP-24 8V-35V/1.6A DMOS 全桥 PWM 微步进电机驱动芯片
HR4982 HR4982是一种便于使用的内部集成了译码器的微特步进电机驱动器。其设计为能使双极步进电机以全、半、1/32和1/128步进模式工作。步进模式由逻辑输入MSx选择。输出驱动能力达到35V和±2A。HR4982包含一个工作在慢衰或混合衰减模式的固定关闭时间的电流调节器。 A4982 TSSOP-28 8V-35V/2A 内置转换器和过流保护的微特步进电机驱动芯片
HR4988 HR4988是一种便于使用的内部集成了译码器的微特步进电机驱动器。其设计为能使双极步进电机以全、半、1/4、1/8、1/16、1/32、1/64和1/128步进模式工作。步进模式由逻辑输入MSx选择。输出驱动能力达到35V和±2A。HR4988包含一个工作在慢衰或混合衰减模式的固 定关闭时间的电流调节器。 A4988 TSSOP-28/QFN-28 8V-35V/2A 内置转换器和过流保护的微特步进电机驱动芯片
HR8833 HR8833为玩具、打印机和其它电机一体化应用提供一种双通道电机驱动方案。HR8833有两路H桥驱动,可以驱动两路刷式直流电机,或者一个双极步进电机,或者螺线管或者其它感性负载。 DRV8833 TSSOP-16 2.70V-12.8V 2A低电压双路刷式直流或单路双极步进PWM绕组电流调节/限制电机驱动器IC
HR5561 HR5561是应用于直流电机方案的单通道H桥驱动器芯片。 HR5561的H桥驱动部分采用低导通电阻的PMOS和NMOS功率管。低导 通电阻保证芯片低的功率损耗,使得芯片安全工作更长时间。此 外HR5561拥有低待机电流、低静态工作电流。这些性能使能HR5561 易用于玩具方案。 AT5561 SOP-8/DIP-8 1.8V-6.0V 玩具单通道直流电机驱动器
深圳市永阜康科技有限公司 粤ICP备17113496号 服务热线:0755-82863877 手机:13242913995