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发布时间:2017/12/18 11:21:00 来源:永阜康科技
张代明 3003290139
姚红霞 3003214837
李湘宁 2850985550
rohm公司的BD99954是1到4节锂电池双模式充电管理器,小型5.0x5.0mm QFN封装和2.6x3.0mm芯片级CSP封装,提供双源电池充电器,两个端口BC1.2检测和用于电压,电流,温度的电池监视器以及告警控制器.主要用在空间严格限制的设备如小尺寸笔记本电脑,平板电脑和其它应用.本文介绍了BD99954主要特性,功能框图,应用电路以及评估板BD99954MWV EVK主要特性,电路图,USB-I2C电路图,材料清单和PCB设计图.

The Industry ’s First Dual-Mode Battery Charge ICBD99954 is a Battery Management LSI for 1-4 cellLithium-Ion secondary battery, and available in a 40pin0.40 mm pitch 5.0 mm x 5.0 mm QFN package and small41-ball 0.4mm pitch 2.6mm x 3.0mm Wafer-Level CSP package which is designed to meet high degree demandsfor space-constraint equipment such as Low profileNotebook PC, Tablets and other applications.

BD99954 provides a Dual-source Battery Charger, twoport BC1.2 detection and a Battery Monitor with severalalarm(INT#, PROCHOT#) outputsBD99954 is a Battery Manager IC for 1-4Cell Lithium-Ion / Lithium-Ion polymer secondary battery pack used in portableequipment such as Tablets, Ultra books or others.

BD99954 includes a Battery Charger, two port BC1.2 detection, a Battery Monitor for voltage, current, temperature andalarm(INT#, PROCHOT#) Controller.


 Dual-source Battery Charger
 High efficiency Step-Up/Down switching charger for1-4 cell Li-Ion/Li-poly battery
 Two separate input sources for USB-VBUS and DCadapter.
 Two port BC1.2 detectors.
 JEITA compliant charging profile
 Programmable parameters for Preconditioning, Prechar
gecurrent,and Fast-charge current
 Programmable charging voltage
 Programmable charge current
 Programmable Switching Frequency: 600kHz to1.2MHz
 Support USB BCS 1.2, ACA, ID pin, OTG
 USB-VBUS Over Voltage Protection
 Over Voltage Battery Protection
 Battery Short Circuit Detection
 Power Path Management with charge pump gatedriver
 Flexibility power path control
 Reverse Buck/Boost Option for USB/USB-PD
 Bias voltage output for the external thermistor
 PMON output
 PROCHOT# output
 Support Inhibit / Autonomous Charging
 Battery Learn Function
 Input Operating Range: 3.8V to 25V
 Voltage Measurement for Thermistor.
 Bias voltage output for the external thermistor.
 SMBus Interface (Clock up friendly I2C) for Hostcommunication
 Embedded OTPROM for initial settings


 Ultrabook
 Notebook PC
 Ultra-mobile PC
 Tablet PC



评估板BD99954MWV EVK

This application note provides information on the BD99954MWV EVK board, which includes the bill of materials, schematics, boardlayout, and application data. In addition to this, a user manual for the I2C control software is included to help program theBD99954MWV.

The BD99954MWV EVK acts as a platform for the BD99954 battery management LSI. With the included software GUI, users canaccess the battery charging profile and modify and read back the registers of the BD99954.

评估板BD99954MWV EVK应用:

1-4 Li-ion Cells (in series) Battery Charging
评估板BD99954MWV EVK主要特性:
Reverse Buck/Boost Option
On-Board USB-to-I2C Communication Circuit
Input Operating Range: 3.8V to 25V
评估板BD99954MWV EVK工作极限和最大值:

图3.评估板BD99954MWV EVK外形图

图4. 评估板BD99954MWV EVK电路图(1)

图5. 评估板BD99954MWV EVK电路图(2):USB-I2C
评估板BD99954MWV EVK材料清单:


图6. 评估板BD99954MWV EVK PCB布局图(1):顶层

图7. 评估板BD99954MWV EVK PCB设计图(2): GND内层1

图7. 评估板BD99954MWV EVK PCB设计图(2):PWR内层2

图8. 评估板BD99954MWV EVK PCB设计图(3):底层
产品型号 功能介绍 兼容型号 封装形式 工作电压 备注
HT317 2X42W/18V/4Ω或75W/24V/4Ω TSSOP-28 5V-26V 42W立体声/75W单声道D类功放IC,,工作电压5-26V,极限耐压32V!
FP8207 FP8207 是一款開關模式的電池充電控制器,輸入電壓應用範圍為4.6V~18V,可對單節或是多節鋰離子電池(最多三節)進行定電流或是恒壓充電,其最大充電電流為3A, TSSOP-14 4.6V-18V 3A开关降压单节/双节/三节锂电充电管理IC
FP6296 工作電壓範圍2.7V~12V;可調輸出電壓最高13V;内置10A的MOS ESOP-8 2.7V-12V 内置MOS的10A大电流DC-DC异步升压IC
FP5208 FP5208是非同步升壓控制IC,透過EXT Pin 控制外部NMOS,輸入低啟動電 壓2.5V 與寬工作電壓4.5V~24V SOP-8/DFN-12 4.5V-24V 非同步升压控制IC,,最高升压可至42V提供5A的电流输出
CS5080 CS5080E是一款5V输入,支持双节锂电池串联应用,锂离子电池的升压充电管理IC.CS5080E集成功率MOS,采用异步开关架构,使其在应用时仅需极少的外围器件,可有效减少整体方案尺寸,降低BOM成本。CS5080E的升压开关充电转换器的工作频率为600KHz最大2A输入充电,转换效率为90%。 ESOP-8 3.44V-7.0V 5V USB输入、双节锂电池串联应用、升压充电管理IC
ANT2801 ANT2801 是一款宽范围电压输入,专门为双节锂电池充电的芯片,无需传统的5V适配器。 TSSOP-20 3V-6V 5V USB 输入两节锂电池高效充电管理IC
深圳市永阜康科技有限公司 粤ICP备17113496号 服务热线:0755-82863877 手机:13242913995