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发布时间:2016/4/27 14:25:00 来源:
张代明 3003290139
姚红霞 3003214837
李湘宁 2850985550
ST公司的STHV800是八路单片高压高速脉冲发生器,集成了控制器逻辑接口电路,电平转换器,MOSFET栅极驱动器,噪音抑制二极管,以及大功率P沟和N沟MOSFET输出级,峰值电流大于2A,输出电压0到 ±90 V,工作频率高达20MHz,主要用在医用超声图像,脉冲波形发生器,NDT超声发送器,压电传送设备.本文介绍了STHV800主要特性和框图,以及基于STHV800的评估板STEVAL-IME013V1主要特性,硬件框图,布局图,两种超声波脉冲发生器解决方案框图,以及评估板电路图和材料清单.
The STHV800 is an octal, monolithic, high-voltage and high-speed pulse generator. It is designed for medical ultrasound applications, but can be used for other piezoelectric, capacitive or MEMS transducers.
The device integrates a controller logic interface circuit (compatible with both 1.8 V and 3.3 V input signals), level translators, MOSFET gate drivers, noise blocking diodes, and high power P-channel and N-channel MOSFETs as the output stage for each channel. These MOSFETs are capable of providing more than 2 A of peak output current. Each channel has a dedicated bridge in order to reduce power dissipation and jitter during continuous wave mode (peak current is limited to 0.3 A). This CW bridge has dedicated power supplies (HV_CW) which are fully independent on the main HV supplies.
These HV_CW supplies can be shorted to the HV supplies. The fundamental structure of each channel also consists of active clamping to ground circuitry, anti-leakage and anti-memory block, a thermal sensor to protect the device and an integrated TR-switch (just 8 Ω as equivalent resistor ) to connect the HV output to its LV output, guaranteeing strong decoupling during the transmission phase.
The eight independent T/R switches can be used in both a dedicated RX chain per channel or in a multiplexing configuration.
The clamp circuit has a current capability up to 2 A and works directly on the output pin, carrying this node exactly to zero. This feature allows minimized injection change during the transition from clamp to RX state.
In addition, the STHV800 includes self-biasing circuitry which allows very low power consumption during the RX phase (down to 200 µW global power dissipation) and thermal shutdown block sensing by an external dedicated pin (THSD).
One of the main benefits of this device is that it requires very few external components: only decoupling capacitors on the HV and LV supplies, and a resistor to pull up the THSD pin (moreover, this resistor can be shared by many devices).
Each channel is driven independently by only 2 digital bits, which in CW mode become one bit. An external clock can be used with the STHV800 to synchronize all the input signals. This feature, however, is optional: if the CK pin is tied to ground the device works in asynchronous mode.

High-density ultrasound transmitter
Two independent half-bridges per channel
0 to ±90 V output voltage
Power-up free
Synchronization of the input signals (selectable) by an external clock
Up to 20 MHz operating frequency
Low-power, high-voltage, high-speed drivers
2 independently-supplied half bridges (shorted-option) for each channel, one dedicated to continuous wave (CW) mode
Main half bridge: ±2 A source and sink currentDown to 20 psjitterLow 2nd harmonic distortion
CW half bridge:±0.3 A source and sink currentDown to 10 psjitterVery low power consumption
Fully integrated real clamping-to-ground function
8 Ω synchronous active clamp
±2 A source and sink current
Fully integrated TR switch
8 Ω ON resistance
Up to 300 MHz BW
Current consumption down to 10 μA in RX phase
Receiver multiplexing function
1.8 V to 3.6 V CMOS logic interface
Auxiliary integrated circuits
Noise blocking diodes
Anti-leakage on output node
Fully self-biasing architecture
Thermal protection
Latch-up free due to HV SOI technology
Very few external passive components or supplies needed

• Medical ultrasound imaging
• Pulse waveform generator
• NDT ultrsound transmission
• Piezoelectric transducer drivers
• Point-of-care ultrasound imaging equipment



The STEVAL-IME013V1 is an evaluation board designed around the STHV800 ultrasound pulser IC, a state of the art device for ultrasound imaging applications. The system can drive eight transducers as 8-channel transmitters and display the output waveforms directly on an oscilloscope by connecting the scope probe on the relative BNCs. Four preset waveforms are available to test the HV pulser under different conditions. It is also possible to change these preset waveforms via a PC GUI


 Suitable for ultrasound imaging applications
 8 monolithic channels, 3 level high voltage pulser
 Integrated T/R switch
 On-board equivalent piezoelectric load implemented through an R/C equivalent network
 USB interface is available to upload customized output waveforms
 Built in microcontroller Flash memory available for storing customized waveforms
 High voltage screw connectors to power the STHV800
 Automatic lockout overvoltage protection
 7 LEDs to check EVAL BOARD status and proper operation
 Human machine interface to select, start and stop the stored output waveforms





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深圳市永阜康科技有限公司 粤ICP备17113496号 服务热线:0755-82863877 手机:13242913995