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发布时间:2016/2/20 11:41:00 来源:
张代明 3003290139
姚红霞 3003214837
李湘宁 2850985550

TI公司的bq76200是低功耗高边N沟道系统,可防止系统的接地引脚断开连接,同时允许电池组与主机系统之间进行持续通信,具有独立的数字使能充/放电控制,支持通用和独立的充/放电路径配置,最高耐压为 100V,主要用在电动自行车(eBike),动踏板车 (eScooter 和电动摩托车 (eMotorcycles),储能系统和不间断电源(UPS),便携式医疗系统,无线基站电池系统,铅酸 (PbA) 备用电池和12V 至 48V电池组.本文介绍了bq76200主要特性,框图,几种典型应用电路以及评估板bq76200EVM-606主要特性,电路图,材料清单和PCB元件布局图.
The bq76200 device is a low-power, high-side, N-Channel system. A high-side protection avoids ground disconnection in the system and also allows continuous communication between the battery pack and host system. The device has additional P-Channel FET control to allow low-current pre-charge to a deeply depleted battery, and a PACK+ voltage monitor control for the host to sense the PACK+ voltage.
The independent enable inputs allow CHG and DSG FETs to be turned on and off separately, offering great implementation flexibility in battery systems.
The bq76200 device can be used with a companion Analog Front End device such as the bq76920/30/40 family, a 3-series to 15-series Cell Analog Front End Monitoring, and a host microcontroller or dedicated state-of-charge (SOC) tracking gas gauge device.

CHG and DSG High-Side NMOS FET Drivers for Battery Protection Fast FET Turn-On and Turn-Off Times
Pre-Charge PFET Driver (for Current-Limited Pre- charge of Significantly Depleted Cell-pack)
Independent Digital Enable Control for Charging and Discharging
Minimal External Components Needed
Scalable External Capacitor-Based Charge Pump to Accommodate a Different Range of FETs in Parallel
High-Voltage Tolerant (100-V Absolute Maximum)
Internal Switch to Enable Pack-Voltage Sensing
Common and Separate Charge and Discharge Path Configuration Support
Designed to Work Directly With bq76940, bq76930, and bq76920 Battery Monitors
Current Consumption:
NORMAL Mode: 40 µA
SHUTDOWN:<10 µA Maximum

eBikes, eScooters, and eMotorcycles
Energy Storage Systems and Uninterruptible Power Supplies (UPS)
Portable Medical Systems
Wireless Base-Station Battery Systems
Lead Acid (PbA) Replacement Batteries
12-V to 48-V Battery Packs



图3.bq76200简化应用框图:预充电的P沟FET和CHG FET并联FET

图4.bq76200简化应用框图:预放电的P沟FET和DSG FET并联FET



The bq76200EVM-606 is a populated circuit board to demonstrate operation of the bq76200 High-Side N-Channel FET Driver with Pack Voltage Sense Enable.  With the board powered, shunts can be placed on a series of headers to control the features of the device to switch current through FETs on the board. Power connections are provided through screw terminals.  The board may also be connected to an MCU board or other equipment for control of the current path using the header pins or a terminal block.

Populated circuit board for bq76200 demonstration from 10 to 70V
 FETs for example current control up to 15 A
 Screw terminals for current path connections
 Manual control or external control through header pin or terminal block connections



图9.评估板bq76200EVM-606 PCB元件布局图

产品型号 功能介绍 兼容型号 封装形式 工作电压 备注
深圳市永阜康科技有限公司 粤ICP备17113496号 服务热线:0755-82863877 手机:13242913995