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发布时间:2015/11/2 11:12:00 来源:
张代明 3003290139
姚红霞 3003214837
李湘宁 2850985550
TI公司的WL18xxMOD WiLink™ 8单频段Combo模块,包括Wi-Fi,蓝牙和蓝牙低功耗(BLE),可提供高数据吞吐量和扩展范围,并支持Wi-Fi和蓝牙共存, 工作频率2.4GHz,双天线解决方案.器件经FCC, IC ,ETSI/CE,和 TELEC认证,适用于接入点 (AP) 和客户端,主要用在物联网(IOT),工业和家庭自动化,多媒体,智能网关和计量,家用电器和电子,视频会议,摄像机.本文介绍了WL18xxMOD主要特性,框图,典型应用-WL1835MOD参考设计及其材料清单,WiLink 1835模块天线参考设计主要特性,电路图,材料清单和PCB设计文件.

WL18xxMOD WiLink™ 8 Single-Band Combo Module –Wi-Fi®,Bluetooth ®,and BluetoothLow Energy (BLE).The certified WiLink 8 module from TI offers high throughput and extended range along with Wi-Fi andBluetooth coexistence (WL1835MOD only) in a power-optimized design. The WL18x5MOD device is a2.4-GHz module, two antenna solution. The device is FCC, IC, ETSI/CE, and TELEC certified for AP andclient. TI offers drivers for high-level operating systems such as Linux®, Android™, WinCE, and RTOS.



• Internet of Things
• Industrial and Home Automation
• Multimedia
• Smart Gateway and Metering
• Home Electronics
• Video Conferencing
• Home Appliances and White Goods
• Video Camera and Security



WiLink 1835模块天线参考设计WL1835MODCOM8B
The WiLink 1835 Module Antenna Design is a reference design that combines the functionalities of the WiLink 8 module with a built-in antenna on a single board, implementing the module in the way it’s been certified. Through this, customers are able to evaluate the performance of the module through embedded applications such as home automation and the Internet of Things that make use of both Wi-Fi and Bluetooth/Bluetooth Low Energy functionalities found on the WiLink 1835 module. This antenna design leverages the use of its certification by using the same antenna layout when the module was tested for certification, allowing customers to avoid repeated certification when creating their applications.

WiLink 1835模块天线参考设计主要特性:
• WLAN, Bluetooth, BLE on a module board
• 100-pin board card
• Dimension 76.0 mm(L) x 31.0 mm(W)
• WLAN 2.4 GHz SISO (20- and 40-MHz channels), 2.4-GHz MIMO (20-MHz channels)
• Support for BLE dual mode
• Seamless integration with TI Sitara and other application processors
• Design for TI AM335X general-purpose EVM
• WLAN and Bluetooth, BLE cores are software and hardware compatible with prior WL127x, WL128xand CC256x offerings, for smooth migration to device.
• Shared HCI transport for Bluetooth and BLE over UART and SDIO for WLAN.
• Wi-Fi / Bluetooth single antenna co-existence
• Built-in chip antenna
• Optional U.FL RF connector for external 2.4-GHz band antenna
• Direct connection to battery using external switching mode power supply supporting 4.8-V to 2.9-Voperation
• VIO in the 1.8-V domain
TI Module Key Benefits
• Reduces Design Overhead: Single WiLink8™ Module Scales Across Wi-Fi and Bluetooth.
• WLAN High Throughput: 80 Mbps (TCP), 100 Mbps (UDP)
• Bluetooth 4.0 + BLE (Smart Ready)
• Wi-Fi-Bluetooth Single Antenna Coexistence
• Low Power (30–50% Less than Previous Generation)
• Available as Easy-to-Use FCC, ETSI, and Telec Certified Module
• Lower Manufacturing Costs, Saving Board Space and Minimizing RF Expertise
• AM335x Linux® and Android™ Reference Platform Accelerates Customer Development and Time to Market


• Internet of Things Multimedia
• Home Electronics
• Home Appliances and White Goods
• Industrial and Home Automation
• Smart Gateway and Metering
• Video Conferencing
• Video Camera and Security







产品型号 功能介绍 兼容型号 封装形式 工作电压 备注
深圳市永阜康科技有限公司 粤ICP备17113496号 服务热线:0755-82863877 手机:13242913995