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发布时间:2015/9/25 10:24:00 来源:
张代明 3003290139
姚红霞 3003214837
李湘宁 2850985550
ST公司的L6482H是采用模拟混合信号技术的微步距步进马达驱动器,集成了用来驱车两相双极MOSFET功率级的两个全桥栅极驱动器.采用全新的电流控制,可获得者/16的微步距,工作电压7.5 V-85 V.本文介绍了L6482H主要特性,框图,应用电路图及其材料清单,评估板EVAL6482H主要特性,电路图,材料清单和PCB文件设计图.
The L6482 device, realized in analog mixedsignal technology, is an advanced fully integratedsolution suitable for driving two-phase bipolarstepper motors with microstepping.
It integrates a dual full bridge gate driver forN-channel MOSFET power stages with embedded non dissipative overcurrent protection.
Thanks to a new current control, a 1/16microstepping is achieved through an adaptive decay mode which outperforms traditionalimplementations. The digital control core can generate user defined motion profiles withacceleration, deceleration, speed or target position easily programmed through a dedicatedregister set. All application commands and dataregisters, including those used to set analogvalues (i.e. current protection trip point,deadtime,PWM frequency, etc.) are sent through a standard5-Mbit/s SPI. A very rich set of protections(thermal, low bus voltage, overcurrent and motorstall) makes the L6482 device “bullet proof”, asrequired by the most demanding motor controlapplications.

 Operating voltage: 7.5 V - 85 V
 Dual full bridge gate driver for N-channelMOSFETs
 Fully programmable gate driving
 Embedded Miller clamp function
 Programmable speed profile
 Up to 1/16 microstepping
 Advanced current control with auto-adaptivedecay mode
 Integrated voltage regulators
 SPI interface
 Low quiescent standby currents
 Programmable non dissipative overcurrentprotection
 Overtemperature protection

 Bipolar stepper motor

图1. L6482H框图

图2. L6482H应用电路图

The EVAL6482H demonstration board is a highpower microstepping motor driver. In combinationwith the STEVAL-PCC009V2 communicationboard and the evaluation software, the boardallows the user to investigate all the features ofthe L6482 device. In particular, the board can beused to check the advanced current control and toregulate the L6482 parameters in order to fit theapplication requirements.
The EVAL6482H supports the daisy chainconfiguration making it suitable for the evaluationof the L6482 in multi motor applications.

 Voltage range from 10.5 V to 85 V
 Low Rds(ON) MOSFETs in DPAK package
 SPI with daisy chain feature
 FLAG and BUSY LED indicators
 Flexible supply voltage management
 Suitable for use in combination with theSTEVAL-PCC009V2

 High power bipolar stepper motor driving




图6.评估板EVAL6482H PCB设计图(顶层)

图7.评估板EVAL6482H PCB设计图(内2层)

图8.评估板EVAL6482H PCB设计图(内3层)

图9.评估板EVAL6482H PCB设计图(底层)
产品型号 功能介绍 兼容型号 封装形式 工作电压 备注
深圳市永阜康科技有限公司 粤ICP备17113496号 服务热线:0755-82863877 手机:13242913995