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Infineon XMC4400系列MCU 750W马达控制方案
发布时间:2015/4/14 9:50:00 来源:
张代明 3003290139
姚红霞 3003214837
李湘宁 2850985550
Infineon公司的XMC4400系列是采用32位ARM Cortex-M4处理器核的微控制器(MCU),集成了多种存储器,通信外设,模拟前端外设,工业控制外设,主要用在高性能节能的工业连接,工业控制,电源转换,检测和控制.本文介绍了XMC4400主要特性,框图,电源连接框图以及750W马达控制板KIT_XMC750WATT_AK_V1主要特性,框图,主要指标,以及电路图,材料清单和PCB元件布局图.
The XMC4400 devices are members of the XMC4000 Family of microcontrollers basedon the ARM Cortex-M4 processor core. The XMC4000 is a family of high performanceand energy efficient microcontrollers optimized for Industrial Connectivity, Industrial Control, Power Conversion, Sense & Control.


CPU Subsystem
• CPU Core
– High Performance 32-bit ARM Cortex-M4 CPU
– 16-bit and 32-bit Thumb2 instruction set
– DSP/MAC instructions
– System timer (SysTick) for Operating System support
• Floating Point Unit
• Memory Protection Unit
• Nested Vectored Interrupt Controller
• One General Purpose DMA with up-to 8 channels
• Event Request Unit (ERU) for programmable processing of external and internalservice requests
• Flexible CRC Engine (FCE) for multiple bit error detection
On-Chip Memories
• 16 KB on-chip boot ROM
• 16 KB on-chip high-speed program memory
• 32 KB on-chip high speed data memory
• 32 KB on-chip high-speed communication memory
• 512 KB on-chip Flash Memory with 4 KB instruction cache
Communication Peripherals
• Ethernet MAC module capable of 10/100 Mbit/s transfer rates
• Universal Serial Bus, USB 2.0 host, Full-Speed OTG, with integrated PHY
• Controller Area Network interface (MultiCAN), Full-CAN/Basic-CAN with two nodes,64 message objects (MO), data rate up to 1MBit/s
• Four Universal Serial Interface Channels (USIC), providing four serial channels,usable as UART, double-SPI, quad-SPI, IIC, IIS and LIN interfaces
• LED and Touch-Sense Controller (LEDTS) for Human-Machine interface
Analog Frontend Peripherals
• Four Analog-Digital Converters (VADC) of 12-bit resolution, 8 channels each, withinput out-of-range comparators
• Delta Sigma Demodulator with four channels, digital input stage for A/D signalconversion
• Digital-Analog Converter (DAC) with two channels of 12-bit resolution
Industrial Control Peripherals
• Two Capture/Compare Units 8 (CCU8) for motor control and power conversion
• Four Capture/Compare Units 4 (CCU4) for use as general purpose timers
• Four High Resoultion PWM (HRPWM) channels
• Two Position Interfaces (POSIF) for servo motor positioning
• Window Watchdog Timer (WDT) for safety sensitive applications
• Die Temperature Sensor (DTS)
• Real Time Clock module with alarm support
• System Control Unit (SCU) for system configuration and control
Input/Output Lines
• Programmable port driver control module (PORTS)
• Individual bit addressability
• Tri-stated in input mode
• Push/pull or open drain output mode
• Boundary scan test support over JTAG interface
On-Chip Debug Support
• Full support for debug features: 8 breakpoints, CoreSight, trace
• Various interfaces: ARM-JTAG, SWD, single wire trace


The motor control application kit KIT_XMC750WATT_AK_V1 is designed for use with 230V AC mains power supply. The drive cards provide a galvanically isolated debug interface that allows safe software development.
A PFC circuitry can be controlled by the on-board PFC IC or by the microcontroller at the drive card. The power inverter bridge is built by 6 discrete IGBTs in DPAK package. Each leg provides a shunt resistor with amplifier for phase current measurement. The DC-link also provides a shunt resistor with amplifier for reconstruction of the phase current with single shunt method. An additional low pass filter allows measuring the average DC-link current as well. The power supply for the control devices as well as the drive card is provided by a non isolatedflyback converter which provides 5V and 15V DC. The auxiliary power board connector allows adding an inverter card in order to use the board together with the XMC4400 drive card as dual inverter.
The main use case for this board is to demonstrate the generic features of the XMC microcontroller devices including tool chain. The focus is the operation under evaluation conditions. The board is neither cost nor size optimized and does not serve as a reference design.

3 Phase Power Inverter 750W V1.1 (2013/45)
− Power supply with line filter, NTC bypass relay and PFC circuitry
− 3 phase bridge realized with discrete IGBTs (IKD10N60R)
− Integrated gate driver with integrated boot strap diodes and protection features (6EDL04I06NT)
− PFC control via control IC (ICE3PCS02), MCU or disabled
− PFC overcurrent protection fully realized in hardware
− On-board power supply for control components (15V and 5V) with flyback controller (ICE3B0356JG)
− Voltage dividers for DC-link and inverter output voltage measurement (e.g. for motor back EMF detection)
− Current sensing circuitry for
oDC-link current (single shunt measurement)
oLow side inverter leg currents (emitter shunt measurement)
− Auxiliary power board connector for optional inverter card
Drive Card XMC1300
− XMC1302 (ARM® Cortex™-M0-based) Microcontroller, 200 kByte on-chip Flash, TSSOP38
− 1 set of combined hall sensor and encoder interfaces
− Potentiometer
− Isolated Debug Interface
Drive Card XMC4400
− XMC4400 (ARM® Cortex™-M4-based) Microcontroller, 512 kByte on-chip Flash, LQFP100
− 2 sets of combined hall sensor and encoder interfaces
− Multi feedback interface connectors for connection of resolver circuitry, UART, SPI, I2C, USB, etc
− Potentiometer
− Isolated Debug Interface






图8.750W马达控制板KIT_XMC750WATT_AK_V1 PCB元件布局图
产品型号 功能介绍 兼容型号 封装形式 工作电压 备注
深圳市永阜康科技有限公司 粤ICP备17113496号 服务热线:0755-82863877 手机:13242913995