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NCP1397采用GaN HEMT器件电源参考设计
发布时间:2015/4/10 9:34:00 来源:
张代明 3003290139
姚红霞 3003214837
李湘宁 2850985550
On Semi公司的NCP1397高性能电源转换控制器,集成了600V栅极驱动器,简化了PCB布局和降低外接元件数量,工作频率从50 kHz到500 kHz,开关频率精度±3%,主要用在平板显示器电源,大功率AC/DC转换器,计算机电报挂号源,工业和医疗设备电源,离线电池充电器.本文介绍了NCP1397主要特性, 内部框图, 典型应用电路图以及高压驱动器评估板NCP1397GANGEVB主要特性,电路图和材料清单.
The NCP1397 is a high performance controller that can be utilized in half bridge resonant topologies such as series resonant, parallel resonant and LLC resonant converters. It integrates 600 V gate drivers, simplifying layout and reducing external component count. With its unique architecture, including a 500 kHz Voltage Controlled Oscillator whose control mode permits flexibility when an ORing function is required, the NCP1397 delivers everything needed to build a reliable and rugged resonant mode power supply. The NCP1397 provides a suite of protection features with configurable settings to optimize any application. These include: auto-recovery or fault latch-off, brown-out, open optocoupler, soft-start and short-circuit protection. Deadtime is also adjustable to overcome shoot through current.

• High−Frequency Operation from 50 kHz up to 500 kHz
• 600 V High−Voltage Floating Driver
• Adjustable Minimum Switching Frequency with ±3% Accuracy
• Adjustable Deadtime from 100 ns to 2 _s.
• Startup Sequence Via an Externally Adjustable Soft−Start
• Brown−Out Protection for a Simpler PFC Association
• Latched Input for Severe Fault Conditions, e.g. Over Temperature orOVP
• Timer−Based Input with Auto−Recovery Operation for DelayedEvent Reaction
• Latched Overcurrent Protection
• Disable Input for Immediate Event Reaction or Simple ON/OFFControl
• VCC Operation up to 20 V
• Low Startup Current of 300 _A
• 1 A/0.5 A Peak Current Sink/Source Drive Capability
• Common Collector Optocoupler Connection for Easier ORing
• Optional Common Emitter Optocoupler Connection
• Internal Temperature Shutdown
• These Devices are Pb−Free, Halogen Free/BFR Free and are RoHSCompliant

• Flat Panel Display Power Converters
• High Power ac−dc Adapters for Notebooks
• Computing Power Supplies
• Industrial and Medical Power Sources
• Offline Battery Chargers
Notebook Adapters
ATX power supplies


图2. NCP1397B内部框图

图3. NCP1397典型应用电路图

The NCP1397GANGEVB reference design provides a 12 V/20 A power supply using Gallium Nitride (GaN) HEMTs as the switching devices. The front-end of the power converter converts a universal AC line to a 385 dc bus while achieving near unity power factor. The second stage is a DC-DC stage that converts the 385 V DC bus to a 12 V output with a max rated load current of 20 A.
The Boost PFC stage employs ON Semiconductor’s NCP1654 CCM controller. The second stage is an isolated DC-DC converter that converts the 385 V dc bus to a 12 V dc voltage output and employs ON Semiconductor?s NCP1397 LLC controller. Synchronous rectification is achieved with the NCP4304 synchronous controller on the secondary side to improve efficiency. The NCP432 is utilized in the feedback path to regulate the output voltage. The board utilizes GaN HEMTs as the switching devices in both the PFC stage and in the primary side of the LLC stage.





产品型号 功能介绍 兼容型号 封装形式 工作电压 备注
深圳市永阜康科技有限公司 粤ICP备17113496号 服务热线:0755-82863877 手机:13242913995