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ADL5380 0.4-6GHz雷达系统直接变换接收器开发方案
发布时间:2015/3/2 10:32:00 来源:
张代明 3003290139
姚红霞 3003214837
李湘宁 2850985550
ADI公司的ADL5380是宽带正交I-Q解调器,RF/IF输入频率从400MHz到6GHz,900MHz时的NF = 10.9 dB, IP1dB = 11.6 dBm, IIP3 = 29.7 dBm;单电源5V工作,主要用在蜂窝W-CDMA/GSM/LTE,微波点对点无线电, 宽带无线和WiMAX.本文介绍ADL5380主要特性,功能框图,典型应用电路和输入六阶低通巴特沃斯(Butterworth)带通滤波器电路图,以及开发平台AD-FMCOMMS6-EBZ主要特性,电路图和PCB元件布局图.
The ADL5380 is a broadband quadrature I-Q demodulator that covers an RF/IF input frequency range from 400 MHz to 6 GHz. With a NF = 10.9 dB, IP1dB = 11.6 dBm, and IIP3 = 29.7 dBm @ 900 MHz, the ADL5380 demodulator offers outstanding dynamic range suitable for the demanding infrastructure direct-conversion requirements. The differential RF inputs provide a well-behaved broadband input impedance of 50 Ω and are best driven from a 1:1 balun for optimum performance.
Excellent demodulation accuracy is achieved with amplitude and phase balances of ~0.07 dB and ~0.2°, respectively. The demodulated in-phase (I) and quadrature (Q) differential outputs are fully buffered and provide a voltage conversion gain of ~7 dB. The buffered baseband outputs are capable of driving a 2 V p-p differential signal into 200 Ω.
The fully balanced design minimizes effects from second-order distortion. The leakage from the LO port to the RF port is <−50 dBm. Differential dc offsets at the I and Q outputs are typically <20 mV. Both of these factors contribute to the excellent IIP2 specification, which is >65 dBm.
The ADL5380 operates off a single 4.75 V to 5.25 V supply. The supply current is adjustable by placing an external resistor from the ADJ pin to either the positive supply, VS, (to increase supply current and improve IIP3) or to ground (which decreases supply current at the expense of IIP3).
The ADL5380 is fabricated using the Analog Devices, Inc., advanced silicon-germanium bipolar process and is available in a 24-lead exposed paddle LFCSP.

Operating RF and LO frequency: 400 MHz to 6 GHz
Input IP3
30 dBm @ 900 MHz
28 dBm @1900 MHz
Input IP2: >65 dBm @ 900 MHz
Input P1dB (IP1dB): 11.6 dBm @ 900 MHz
Noise figure (NF)
10.9 dB @ 900 MHz
11.7 dB @ 1900 MHz
Voltage conversion gain: ~7 dB
Quadrature demodulation accuracy @ 900 MHz
Phase accuracy: ~0.2°
Amplitude balance: ~0.07 dB
Demodulation bandwidth: ~390 MHz
Baseband I/Q drive: 2 V p-p into 200 Ω
Single 5 V supply
Microwave point-to-(multi)point radios
Broadband wireless and WiMAX

图1. ADL5380功能框图

图2. ADL5380基本应用电路图

图3. ADL5380六阶低通巴特沃斯(Butterworth)带通滤波器电路图

The AD-FMCOMMS6-EBZ eval board is a 400MHz to 4.4GHz receiver based on the AD9652 dual 16bit analog to digital converter, the ADL5566 High Dynamic Range RF/IF Dual Differential Amplifier and the ADL5380 quadrature demodulator.
This is an I and Q demodulation approach to direct convert (also known as a homodyne or zero IF) receiver architecture. Direct conversion radios perform just one frequency translation compared to a super-heterodyne receiver that can perform several frequency translations. One frequency translation is advantageous because it
• Reduces receiver complexity and the number of stages needed, increasing performance and reducing power consumption
• Avoids image rejection issues and unwanted mixing This topology will provide image rejection and early implementation of the differential signal environment. There is an amplification stage to maintain the full-scale input to the ACD. The local oscillator and ADC clock are on board and share the same reference signal prevent smearing. The form factor is VITA57 compliant and all of the DC power is routed from the data capture board through an FMC connector. This evaluation board demonstrates a high performance receiver signal chain aimed at military and commercial radar using “commercial off the shelf” (COTS) components. The overall circuit has a bandwidth of 220MHz with a pass band flatness of +/_ 1.0 dB. The SNR and SFDR measured at an IF of 145MHz are 64dB and 75dBc, respectively.

AD9652 two 16-bit ADC with sampling speeds of up to 310 MSPS
ADL5380, a broadband quadrature I-Q demodulator that covers an RF/IF input frequency range from 400 MHz to 6 GHz.
ADL5566 a high performance, dual differential amplifier optimized for IF and dc applications.
ADP2370 high efficiency, low quiescent current, 800 mA buck (step-down) dc-to-dc converters in small 8-lead, 3 mm × 3 mm LFCSP (QFN) packages.
AD9517-4 provides a multi-output clock distribution function with subpicosecond jitter performance, along with an on-chip PLL and VCO.
ADF4351 allows implementation of fractional-N or integer-N phase-locked loop (PLL) frequency synthesizers if used with an external loop filter and external reference frequency.
ADM7150 is a low dropout linear regulator that operates from 4.5 V to 16 V and provides up to 800 mA of output current.

RFin: 100MHz to 4GHz
IF: 10-155MHz
SNR: 68dB
SFDR: 78dB
RF input frequency range
ADL5380: 400MHZ – 6 GHz Demod
Supports UHF through S-bands and some C-band
AD9652: 16-bit, 310MSPS Dual ADC
74dB SNR across 1st Nyquist Zone
155dBFS/Hz noise floor
Integrated LO and on-board Clock with system reference and fanout
Amplifier and Filtering Options on-board
ADL5566 Amp provides full-scale ADC Input
AAF remove unwanted wideband noise
I/Q Demodulation
Image rejection
Low LO to RF leakage












图16.开发平台AD-FMCOMMS6-EBZ PCB元件布局图:顶层

图17.开发平台AD-FMCOMMS6-EBZ PCB元件布局图:底层
产品型号 功能介绍 兼容型号 封装形式 工作电压 备注
深圳市永阜康科技有限公司 粤ICP备17113496号 服务热线:0755-82863877 手机:13242913995