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LMZ31710 10A DC-DC电源转换解决方案
发布时间:2015/2/28 13:33:00 来源:
张代明 3003290139
姚红霞 3003214837
李湘宁 2850985550
TI公司的LMZ31710是容易使用的10A SIMPLE SWITCHER电源模块.采用10x10x4.3 mm QFN封装,器件集成了功率MOSFET,屏蔽电感和无源元件,组成完整的10A DC/DC转换器,效率高达95%,热阻13.3℃/W.输出电压从0.6V到5.5V可调,可调开关频率200 kHz到1.2 MHz,主要用在宽带和通信设备,自动测试和医疗设备,DSP和FPGA点负载应用以及PCI / PCI Express / PXI Express.本文介绍了LMZ31710主要特性,框图,应用电路,以及10A LMZ31710评估模块(EVM)特性,电路图,材料清单和PCB元件布局图.
The LMZ31710 SIMPLE SWITCHER power module is an easy-to-use integrated power solution that combines a 10-A DC/DC converter with power MOSFETs, a shielded inductor, and passives into a low profile, QFN package. This total power solution allows as few as three external components and eliminates the loop compensation and magnetics part selection process.
The 10x10x4.3 mm QFN package is easy to solder onto a printed circuit board and allows a compact point-of-load design. Achieves greater than 95% efficiency and excellent power dissipation capability with a thermal impedance of 13.3°C/W. The LMZ31710 offers the flexibility and the feature-set of a discrete point-of-load design and is ideal for powering a wide range of ICs and systems. Advanced packaging technology affords a robust and reliable power solution compatible with standard QFN mounting and testing techniques.

Complete Integrated Power Solution Allows Small Footprint, Low-Profile Design
10mm x 10mm x 4.3mm Package
Pin Compatible with LMZ31707 & LMZ31704
Efficiencies Up to 95%
Eco-Mode / Light Load Efficiency (LLE)
Wide-Output Voltage Adjust 0.6 V to 5.5 V, with 1% Reference Accuracy
Supports Parallel Operation for Higher Current
Optional Split Power Rail allows Input Voltage Down to 2.95 V
Adjustable Switching Frequency (200 kHz to 1.2 MHz)
Synchronizes to an External Clock
Provides 180° Out-of-Phase Clock Signal
Adjustable Slow-Start
Output Voltage Sequencing / Tracking
Power Good Output
Programmable Undervoltage Lockout (UVLO)
Over-Current & Over-Temperature Protection
Pre-bias Output Start-up
Operating Temperature Range: –40℃ to 85℃
Enhanced Thermal Performance: 13.3℃/W
Meets EN55022 Class B Emissions
Integrated Shielded Inductor
• Broadband & Communications Infrastructure
• Automated Test and Medical Equipment
• Compact PCI / PCI Express / PXI Express
• DSP and FPGA Point-of-Load Applications

图1. LMZ31710框图

图2. LMZ31710应用电路:PVIN = VIN = 4.5 V -17 V, VOUT = 3.3 V

图3. LMZ31710并行应用电路图

10A LMZ31710评估模块(EVM)
This EVM features the LMZ31710 (10-A), LMZ31707 (7-A), or LMZ31704 (4-A), synchronous buck power module configured for operation with typical 5-V and 12-V input bus applications. The output voltage can be set to one of seven popular values by using a configuration jumper. In similar fashion, the switching frequency can be set to one of seven values with a jumper. The full output current rating of the device can be supplied by the EVM. Input and output capacitors are included on the board to accommodate the entire range of input and output voltages. Monitoring test points are provided to allow measurement of efficiency, power dissipation, input ripple, output ripple, line and load regulation, and transient response. Control test points are provided for use of the PWRGD, Inhibit/UVLO, synchronization, and slow-start/tracking features of the LMZ317xx device. The EVM uses a recommended PCB layout that maximizes thermal performance and minimizes output ripple and noise.

图4.10A LMZ31710评估模块(EVM)外形图和用户接口

图5.10A LMZ31710评估模块(EVM)电路图
10A LMZ31710评估模块(EVM)材料清单:

图6.10A LMZ31710评估模块(EVM)PCB元件布局图(顶层)

图7.10A LMZ31710评估模块(EVM)PCB元件布局图(底层)
产品型号 功能介绍 兼容型号 封装形式 工作电压 备注
深圳市永阜康科技有限公司 粤ICP备17113496号 服务热线:0755-82863877 手机:13242913995