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ILD6070 60V 0.7A高效LED驱动方案
发布时间:2015/1/31 10:22:00 来源:
张代明 3003290139
姚红霞 3003214837
李湘宁 2850985550
Infineon公司的ILD6070是60V/0.5A高效降压LED驱动器,电源电压从4.5V到60V,开关频率高达1MHz,软起动功能,模拟和PWM调光,输出电流精度3%,LED电流温度漂移很低,效率高达98%,调光比3000:1,主要用在通用照明的LED驱动器,街道和隧道照明以及办公室和住宅区照明,LED镇流器.本文介绍了ILD6070主要特性,框图,应用电路,以及ILD6070 60V/0.5A演示板电路,电路图,材料清单和PCB设计布局图.
The ILD6070 is a hysteretic buck LED driver IC for driving high power LEDs in general lighting applications with average currents up to 0.7 A.
The ILD6070 is suitable for LED applications with a wide range of supply voltages from 4.5 V to 60 V. A multifunctional PWM input signal allows dimming of the LEDs with an analog DC voltage or an external PWM signal. To minimize colorshifts of the LEDs an analog PWM voltage is converted to an internal 1.6 kHz PWM signal modulating the LED current.
The ILD6070 incorporates an undervoltage lock-out that will shut down the IC when the minimum supply voltage threshold is exceeded. The over-current protection turns off the output stage once the output current is above the current threshold. An integrated over-temperature protection circuit will start to reduce the LED current by internal PWM modulation once the adjustable junction temperature threshold of the IC is exceeded. Realizing a thermal coupling between LED driver IC and LEDs this feature eliminates the need of external temperature senors as NTCs or PTCs.
Thanks to the hysteretic concept the current control is extremely fast and always stable. A maximum contrast ratio of 3000:1 can be achieved depending of the dimensioning of the external components. The efficiency of the LED driver IC is remarkable high, reaching up to 98% of efficiency over a wide range. The output current accuracy from device to device and under all load conditions and over temperature is limited to a minimum, making ILD6070 the perfect fit for LED ballasts.

• Wide input voltage range from 4.5 V to 60 V
• Capable to provide up to 0.7 A average output current
• Up to 1 MHz switching frequency
• Soft-start capability
• Analog and PWM dimming possible
• Integrated PWM generator for analog dimming input
• Typical 3% output current accuracy
• Very low LED current drift over temperature
• Adjustable over-temperature protection
• Undervoltage lockout
• Over-current protection
• Thermally optimized package: PG-DSO-8-27
• LED driver for general lighting
• Retail, office and residential downlights
• Street and tunnel lighting
• LED ballasts

图1. ILD6070框图

图2. ILD6070应用框图

The demo board is configured to have an output current of 0.5 A. The operating voltage range for the demo board can be from 4.5 V up to 60 V.

图3. ILD6070演示板电路图

图4. ILD6070演示板外形图

图5. ILD6070演示板PCB设计图
产品型号 功能介绍 兼容型号 封装形式 工作电压 备注
深圳市永阜康科技有限公司 粤ICP备17113496号 服务热线:0755-82863877 手机:13242913995