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发布时间:2015/1/20 11:27:00 来源:
张代明 3003290139
姚红霞 3003214837
李湘宁 2850985550
Linear公司的LTC2983能测量各种温度传感器并以数字输出,分辨率0.001℃,精度0.1℃,可以测量2/3/4线RTD,温度调节器和二极管.器件包括20个可配置的模拟输入端,激励电流源和对每种传感器的故障检测电路.工作电压2.85V-5.25V,主要用在热电偶,RTD和温度调节器的温度直接测量,以及专用传感器应用.本文介绍了LTC2983主要特性,框图,典型应用电路,以及包括LTC2983入门板,主板(DC2209),20输入分接板(DC2210)和Linduino One (DC2026)的温度测量系统DC2296A特性,电路图和材料清单.
The LTC?2983 measures a wide variety of temperature sensors and digitally outputs the result, in ℃ or °F, with 0.1℃ accuracy and 0.001℃ resolution. The LTC2983 can measure the temperature of virtually all standard (type B, E, J, K, N, S, R, T) or custom thermocouples, automatically compensate for cold junction temperatures and linearize the results. The device can also measure temperature with standard 2-, 3-, or 4-wire RTDs, thermistors, and diodes.
It has 20 reconfigurable analog inputs enabling many sensor connections and configuration options. The LTC2983 includes excitation current sources and fault detection circuitry appropriate for each type of temperature sensor.
The LTC2983 allows direct interfacing to ground referenced sensors without the need for level shifters, negative supply voltages, or external amplifiers. All signals are buffered and simultaneously digitized with three high accuracy, 24-bit ΔΣ ADC’s, driven by an internal 10ppm/℃ (maximum) reference.

 Directly Digitize RTDs, Thermocouples, Thermistors, =and Diodes
 Single 2.85V to 5.25V Supply
 Results Reported in ℃ or °F
 20 Flexible Inputs Allow Interchanging Sensors
 Automatic Thermocouple Cold Junction Compensation
 Built-In Standard and User-Programmable Coefficients for Thermocouples, RTDs and Thermistors
 Configurable 2-, 3-, or 4-Wire RTD Configurations
 Measures Negative Thermocouple Voltages
 Automatic Burn Out, Short-Circuit and Fault Detection
 Buffered Inputs Allow External Protection
 Simultaneous 50Hz/60Hz Rejection
 Includes 10ppm/℃ (max) Reference (I-Grade)

 Direct Thermocouple Measurements
 Direct RTD Measurements
 Direct Thermistor Measurements
 Custom Sensor Applications

图1. LTC2983框图

图2. LTC2983带自动冷端补偿的热电偶测量电路图

图3. LTC2983典型RTD/电热调节器应用电路图

图4. LTC2983通用输入共享热电偶,二极管, 电热调节器,三线RTD和4线RTD应用电路图

温度测量系统DC2296A包括LTC2983入门板,主板(DC2209),20输入分接板(DC2210)和Linduino One (DC2026)
The DC2296 is the starter kit for demonstrating the performance and ease of use of the LTC®2983, which is a complete temperature measurement system on a chip.
This kit includes the DC2209 (main demo circuit containing the LTC2983) and the DC2210 (a simple experiment circuit allowing bread boarding). In addition to the starter demonstration kit, sensor specific demonstration boards highlighting the performance of RTDs, thermistors, or thermocouples are also available.
• Universal Temperature Measurement Board – DC2211
• Thermocouple Board – DC2212
• Dedicated RTD Board – DC2213
• Dedicated Thermistor Board – DC2214
The DC2209 is a member of the QuikEval™ family of demonstration boards. It is designed to allow easy evaluation of the LTC2983 and may be connected to any one of the sensor daughter boards.
These daughter boards allow evaluation of the various LTC2983 sensor types (see Figure 1).For the serial digital interface, the DC2209 may be connected to the DC2026 Linduino™ One.

DC2296A - Diagram of Demo Boards
图5. 温度测量系统DC2296A外形图

The DC2296 is the starter kit for demonstrating the performance and ease of use of the LTC®2983, which is a complete temperature measurement system on a chip. This kit includes the DC2209 (main demo circuit containing the LTC2983) and the DC2210 (a simple experiment circuit allowing bread boarding). In addition to the starter demonstration kit, sensor specific demonstration boards highlighting the performance of RTDs, thermistors, or thermocouples are also available.












图17. 温度测量系统DC2296A电路图

Linear Technology’s DC2026 (called the Linduino™ One) is compatible with the Arduino Uno microcontroller board. Arduino hardware consists of an Atmel microcontroller with a bootloader allowing quick in-circuit firmware updates. The software is a simple programming environment based on the AVRGCC compiler. This platform is popular because it is easy to use, both the hardware and software are open source, and it can be programmed in C. We find it an ideal way to demonstrate and distribute libraries for integrated circuits that have digital interfaces such as Inter-Integrated Circuit (I2C) and Serial Peripheral Interface (SPI). While the Linduino One is Arduino-compatible, it is not produced by the official Arduino team, and they do not receive any monetary support from this board.

图18. Linduino™ One板连接图

图19. Linduino™ One板框图

图20. Linduino™ One板电路图(1)

图21. Linduino™ One板电路图(2)
Linduino™ One板材料清单:

产品型号 功能介绍 兼容型号 封装形式 工作电压 备注
深圳市永阜康科技有限公司 粤ICP备17113496号 服务热线:0755-82863877 手机:13242913995