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发布时间:2014/8/11 9:48:00 来源:
张代明 3003290139
姚红霞 3003214837
李湘宁 2850985550
TI公司的TPL7407L是七路高压大电路NMOS晶体管阵列,每路输出电流高达600mA,输出电压40V,输出漏电流小于10nA,控制逻辑1.8V-5.0V,主要用混合电力汽车电池管理, 电动汽车充电器, 马达控制,太阳能逆变器,家用电器,打印机,示波器,通信/服务器电源等.本文介绍了TPL7407L 主要特性, 简化电路图和多种应用电路.以及评估板TPL7407LEVM主要特性,单路电路图和完整电路图与PCB元件布局图.
The TPL7407L is a high-voltage, high-current NMOS transistor array. This device consists of seven NMOS transistors that feature high-voltage outputs with common-cathode clamp diodes for switching inductive loads. The maximum drain-current rating of a single NMOS channel is 600 mA. New regulation and drive circuitry added to give maximum drive strength across all GPIO ranges (1.8V-5.0V).The transistors can be paralleled for higher current capability.
The TPL7407L’s key benefit is its improved power efficiency and lower leakage than a Bipolar Darlington Implementation. With the lower VOL the user is dissipating less than half the power than traditional relay drivers with currents less than 250mA per channel.

TPL7407L 主要特性:
600mA-Rated Drain Current (Per Channel)
CMOS Pin-to-Pin Improvement of 7-channel Darlington Array (e.g. ULN2003A)
Power Efficient (Very low VOL)
Less Than 4 Times Lower VOL at 100mA Than Darlington Arrray
Very Low Output Leakage < 10nA Per Channel
Extended Ambient Temperature Range:
TA = –40℃ to 125℃
High-Voltage Outputs 40V
Compatible with 1.8V to 5.0V Micro-controllers and Logic Interface
Internal Free-wheeling Diodes for Inductive Kick-back Protection
Input Pull-down Resistors Allows Tri-stating the Input Driver
Input RC-Snubber to Eliminate Spurious Operation in Noisy Environment
Inductive Load Driver Applications
ESD Protection Exceeds JESD 22
2kV HBM, 500V CDM
Available in 16-pin SOIC and TSSOP Packages

Battery Management: High Cell Count for HEV
EV HEV Charger: Level 3
Motor Control: AC Induction
Motor Control: Brushless DC
Motor Control: Permanent Magnet
Solar Power Inverters
Washing Machine: Low-End
EV HEV Charger: Level 1 & 2
HVAC - Heating, Ventilating, and Air Conditioning
Motor Control: Brushed DC
Motor Control: Low-Voltage
Motor Control: Stepper Motor
Power: Telecom/Server AC/DC Supply: Dual Controller: Analog
Washing Machine: High-End

图1. TPL7407L简化电路图

图2. TPL7407L步进马达驱动电路图

图3. TPL7407L多用图沉驱动电路图

图4. TPL7407L 24V继电器驱动电路图

The TPL7407LEVM is 7-Channel relay and Inductive load sink driver evaluation module that demonstrates the integrated circuit TPL7407LDR. The TPL7407LDR is a high-performance peripheral driver designed to drive loads of many types including relays, stepper motors, lamps, and light emitting diodes.
This EVM is configured with seven push buttons that supply input to the TPL7407L driver and seven relays are driven by the TPL7407L outputs. A four terminal block must be connected to external power supplies to provide input and relay power. All of the TPL7407L input and output pins are accessible for external connection.
TPL7407LEVM for the evaluation of the TPL7407L - 40V, 7 channel low side driver
图5: 评估板TPL7407LEVM外形图

Seven numbered push-buttons control input for easy basic device testing
Three 0.1” spaced post connector ports allow access to all input and output pins and relay contacts Three open locations per channel on circuit board for user supplied components Onboard relay loads can be disconnected by removing surface mount zero ohm resistors Device clearance area is large to allow use of small profile temperature forcing equipment


图6: 评估板TPL7407LEVM单路电路图

图7: 评估板TPL7407LEVM电路图

图8: 评估板TPL7407LEVM PCB元件布局图
产品型号 功能介绍 兼容型号 封装形式 工作电压 备注
深圳市永阜康科技有限公司 粤ICP备17113496号 服务热线:0755-82863877 手机:13242913995