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TPS65980 Thunderbolt总线供电单端口外设参考设计
发布时间:2014/8/4 10:00:00 来源:
张代明 3003290139
姚红霞 3003214837
李湘宁 2850985550
TI公司的TPS65980是Thunderbolt总线供电的DC/DC开关稳压器,输入电压2.5V-17.5V,三个单独的3.3V输出电压.具有限流和热关断特性,主要用在Thunderbolt/Thunderbolt™ 2系统,总线供电系统,电源管理系统.本文介绍了TPS65980主要特性,功能框图, Thunderbolt单/双端口应用电路, 评估模块TPS65980EVM主要特性,电路图,材料清单和PCB元件布局图,以及Thunderbolt™单端口外设参考设计主要特性,电路图,材料清单和PCB元件布局图.
The TPS65980 DC/DC switching regulator that receives power from a Thunderbolt™ or Thunderbolt™ 2 power bus ranging from 2.5-V to 15.75-V and generates three separate 3.3-V supply outputs.
The TBT_OUT supply provides power to the local peripheral Thunderbolt™ controller and support circuitry. The CBL_OUT supply provides power back to the Thunderbolt™ cable and has adjustable current limit. The DEV_OUT supply provides power to all other circuitry in the device to perform its designed function.
The TPS65980 is available in a 24-pin 5mm x 4mm x 0.9mm VQFN package.

Powered From Thunderbolt™ Bus
2.5-V to 15.75-V Input
3.3-V Outputs
Cable Power Out Current Limit
Thermal Shutdown

Thunderbolt/Thunderbolt™ 2 Systems
Bus Powered Systems
Power Management Systems

图1. TPS65980功能框图

图2. TPS65980典型应用电路(单端总线供电Thunderbolt器件)

图3. TPS65980典型应用电路(双端总线供电Thunderbolt器件)

The Texas Instruments TPS65980EVM evaluation module (EVM) helps designers evaluate the operation and performance of the TPS65980: a DC/DC switching regulator that receives power from a Thunderbolt bus ranging from 2.5V to 15.75V on TBT_IN and generates three separate 3.3V supply outputs TBT_OUT, CBL_OUT, and DEV_OUT.
The TBT_OUT supply provides power to the local peripheral Thunderbolt controller and support circuitry. The CBL_OUT supply provides power back to the Thunderbolt cable and has adjustable current limit. The DEV_OUT supply provides power to all other circuitry in the device to perform its designed function.

Powered from Thunderbolt Bus
2.5V to 15.75V Input
3.3V Outputs
Cable Power Out Current Limit
Thermal Shutdown

Thunderbolt™ Bus Power Management Unit Evaluation Module Board
图4. 评估模块TPS65980EVM外形图

图5. 评估模块TPS65980EVM电路图

图6. 评估模块TPS65980EVM PCB元件布局图

The TI Thunderbolt™ Single Port Peripheral reference design is optimized for Thunderbolt 2 systems which have a bandwidth of 20Gbps. The design utilizes the TPS65980 power management unit to reduce the BOM cost up to 50% and reduce the area about 40% over a discrete implementation. This design has been tested and certified at Intel for both self power and bus powered single port Thunderbolt systems.

Tested & Certified Thunderbolt Design for Bus & Self-Powered Peripherals
Provides a low cost and simple optimized design
TPS65980 PMU powers the needed supplies and provides system control signals
PCIe Connector for quick proto-typing w/ expansion cards
Design guide and high level schematics provided
图7. Thunderbolt™单端口外设参考设计外形图

图8. Thunderbolt™单端口外设参考设计电路图

图9. Thunderbolt™单端口外设参考设计PCB元件布局图
产品型号 功能介绍 兼容型号 封装形式 工作电压 备注
深圳市永阜康科技有限公司 粤ICP备17113496号 服务热线:0755-82863877 手机:13242913995