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发布时间:2014/3/12 9:22:00 来源:
张代明 3003290139
姚红霞 3003214837
李湘宁 2850985550

TI公司的CC256x是完整的基本速率 (BR)/增强型数据速率 (EDR)/低功耗 (LE) HCI层蓝牙解决方案,基于 TI 的第七代内核, 支持蓝牙4.0 双模式 (BR/EDR/LE)协议. 此解决方案减轻了设计工作并可实现快速上市.和MCU一起,该器件能提供最好的RF性能.主要用在手机附件,体育和健身应用,无线音频解决方案,遥控和玩具.本文介绍了 TI CC256x主要特性,框图,无线连接参考设计电路和材料清单,以及CC256x蓝牙参考设计主要特性与材料清单, 蓝牙和MSP430音频信宿参考设计与材料清单.
The TI CC256x device is a complete Bluetooth BR/EDR/LE HCI solution that reduces design effort and enables fast time to market. Based on TI’s seventh-generation Bluetooth core, the CC256x device provides a product-proven solution that supports 4.0 dual-mode (BR/EDR/LE) protocols. When coupled with a microcontroller unit (MCU), the HCI device provides best-in-class RF performance.
TI’s power-management hardware and software algorithms provide significant power savings in all commonly used Bluetooth BR/EDR/LE modes of operation.
With transmit power and receive sensitivity, this solution provides a best-in-class range of about 2x, compared to other BLE-only solutions. A royalty-free software Bluetooth stack available from TI is pre-integrated with TI’s MSP430 and ARM Cortex-M3 and Cortex-M4 MCUs. The stack is also available for made for iPod (MFi) solutions and on other MCUs through TI’s partner Stonestreet One (www.stonestreetone.com). Some of the profiles supported today include: serial port profile (SPP), advanced audio distribution profile (A2DP), human interface device (HID), and several BLE profiles (these profiles vary based on the supported MCU).
In addition to software, this solution consists of multiple reference designs with a low BOM cost, including a new audio sink reference design for customers to create a variety of applications for low-end, low-power audio solutions.

TI CC256x主要特性:
Single-Chip Bluetooth Solution Integrating Bluetooth Basic Rate (BR)/Enhanced Data Rate (EDR)/ Low Energy (LE) Features Fully Compliant with the Bluetooth 4.0 Specification Up to the HCI LayerBR/EDR Features Include:
Up to 7 Active Devices
Scatternet: Up to 3 Piconets Simultaneously, 1 as Master and 2 as Slaves
Up to 2 SCO Links on the Same Piconet
Support for All Voice Air-Coding – Continuously Variable Slope Delta (CVSD), A-Law, µ-Law, and Transparent (Uncoded)
CC2560B/CC2564B Devices Provide an Assisted Mode for HFP 1.6 Wideband Speech (WBS) Profile or A2DP Profile to Reduce Host Processing and Power
LE Features Include:
Support of Up to 10 (CC2564 and CC2564B) Simultaneous Connections
Multiple Sniff Instances Tightly Coupled to Achieve Minimum Power Consumption
Independent Buffering for LE Allows Large Numbers of Multiple Connections without Affecting BR/EDR Performance.
Built-In Coexistence and Prioritization Handling for BR/EDR and LE
Flexibility for Easy Stack Integration and Validation Into Various Microcontrollers, Such as MSP430™ and ARM® Cortex™-M3 and Cortex™-M4 MCUs
Highly Optimized for Low-Cost Designs:
Single-Ended 50-Ω RF Interface
Package Footprint: 76 Terminals, 0.6-mm Pitch, 8.10-mm × 8.10-mm mrQFN
Best-in-Class Bluetooth (RF) Performance (TX Power, RX Sensitivity, Blocking)
Class 1.5 TX Power Up to +12 dBm
Internal Temperature Detection and Compensation to Ensure Minimal Variation in RF Performance Over Temperature, No External Calibration Required
Improved Adaptive Frequency Hopping (AFH) Algorithm with Minimum Adaptation Time
Provides Longer Range, Including 2x Range Over Other BLE-Only Solutions
ROM Spin to Enable Offload Host and Save Current with Assisted Audio (SBC Encode and Decode On Chip)
Advanced Power Management for Extended Battery Life and Ease of Design:
On-Chip Power Management, Including Direct Connection to Battery
Low Power Consumption for Active, Standby, and Scan Bluetooth Modes
Shutdown and Sleep Modes to Minimize Power Consumption
Physical Interface:
Fully Programmable Digital PCM-I2S Codec Interface
CC256x Hardware Evaluation Tool: PC-Based Application to Evaluate RF Performance of the Device and Configure Service Pack
Device Terminal-to-Terminal Compatible with Previous Devices or Modules

TI CC256x应用:
• Mobile phone accessories
• Remote controls
• Sports and fitness applications
• Toys
• Wireless audio solutions

图1. TI CC256x功能框图


This CC256x Bluetooth® evaluation module reference design is an RF reference design with antenna which can be easily connected to many Microcontroller Units (MCUs), such as TI’s MSP430 or Tiva C series MCUs. The reference design can be copied into your board, allowing for a cost-effective design with reduced time to market. This Bluetooth design is supported by an orderable evaluation module, royalty free software and documentation, test and certification tips, and community support resources
图3. CC256x蓝牙参考设计外形图

Flexible solution for broad market
Bluetooth & Bluetooth low energy in single solution for use with all phones/tablets
Royalty-free software for TI MCUs
Low cost solution to add Bluetooth and Bluetooth low energy to any application
Best-in-class performance for longer range
Based on 7th Generation Bluetooth technology

图4. CC256x蓝牙参考设计电路图(1)

图5. CC256x蓝牙参考设计电路图(2)

图6. CC256x蓝牙参考设计电路图(3)


TI’s Bluetooth + MSP430 Audio sink reference design can be used by customers to create a variety of applications for low end, low power audio solutions. Some application possibilities - toys, low end bluetooth speakers, audio streaming accessories. This reference design is a cost effective audio implementation and with full design files provided allows you to focus your efforts on application and end product development. Software supported on this reference design includes Stonestreet One Bluetopia Bluetooth stack (certified and royalty free).

Enables Bluetooth audio (SBC encode/decode) with low cost, low power MSP430F5229.
USB-enabled MSP430F5229 Up to 25-MHz System Clock, 1.8-V to 3.6-V operation and 128KB flash, 8KB RAM.
Design offloads audio processing from MCU to the Bluetooth device which enables low power audio.
Cost effective low end wireless audio solution for under with a 4 layer layout and QFN packages.
Core of the solution is TI’s CC2564 which is best in class Bluetooth performance (+12dBm output power).
4-layer PCB (25mm x 50mm incl. antenna)
CC256xB On-chip SBC for audio processing.
Royalty-free SW examples and certified profiles: Assisted A2DP (A3DP), AVRCP
Design also uses TI’s low power digital input speaker amplifier (TAS2505) & USB charge management device(BQ24055).
CC256x and Bluetopia stack both have Bluetooth Subsystem QDIDs allowing you to only need a Bluetooth End Product Listing.
Kit Contents
1x Audio kit with jumpers populated
1x USB cable
Quick Start Guide





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深圳市永阜康科技有限公司 粤ICP备17113496号 服务热线:0755-82863877 手机:13242913995