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LTC4000-1 高压高性能多种电池充电解决方案
发布时间:2012/8/16 14:27:00 来源:
张代明 3003290139
姚红霞 3003214837
李湘宁 2850985550

The LTC®4000-1 is a high voltage, high performance controller that converts many externally compensated DC/DC power supplies into full-featured battery chargers with maximum power point control. In contrast to the LTC4000, the LTC4000-1 has an input voltage regulation loop instead of the input current regulation loop.
Features of the LTC4000-1’s battery charger include:
accurate (±0.25%) programmable float voltage, selectable timer or current termination, temperature qualified charging using an NTC thermistor, automatic recharge, C/10 trickle charge for deeply discharged cells, bad battery detection and status indicator outputs. The battery charger also includes precision current sensing that allows lower sense voltages for high current applications.
The LTC4000-1 supports intelligent PowerPath control. An external PFET provides low loss reverse current protection.
Another external PFET provides low loss charging or discharging of the battery. This second PFET also facilitates an instant-on feature that provides immediate downstream system power even when connected to a heavily discharged or shorted battery.
The LTC4000-1 is available in a low profile 28-lead 4mmx5mm QFN and SSOP packages.

Maximum Power Control: Solar Panel Input Compatible
Complete High Performance Battery Charger When Paired with a DC/DC Converter
Wide Input and Output Voltage Range: 3V to 60V
Input Ideal Diode for Low Loss Reverse Blocking and Load Sharing
Output Ideal Diode for Low Loss PowerPath™ and Load Sharing with the Battery
Programmable Charge Current: ±1% Accuracy
±0.25% Accurate Programmable Float Voltage
Programmable C/X or Timer Based Charge Termination
NTC Input for Temperature Qualified Charging
28-Lead 4mm x5mm QFN or SSOP Packages

Solar Powered Battery Charger Systems
Battery Charger with High Impedance Input Source, e.g., Fuel Cell or Wind Turbine
Battery Equipped Industrial or Portable Military Equipments






产品型号 功能介绍 兼容型号 封装形式 工作电压 备注
深圳市永阜康科技有限公司 粤ICP备17113496号 服务热线:0755-82863877 手机:13242913995