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bq5101x 无线电源传输接收解决方案
发布时间:2012/5/16 12:40:00 来源:
张代明 3003290139
姚红霞 3003214837
李湘宁 2850985550

TI 公司的bq5101x是用于手提设备的无线电源传输的接收器,提供AC/DC电源转换,同时集成了和Qi v1.0通信协议兼容的数字控制,和bq500210发送器控制器一起,能组成完整的无接触电源传输系统,AC/DC的效率93%,最大输入电压20V,主要用于WPC兼容的接收器,手机和智能手机,数码相机,手持媒体播放器和手持设备.本文介绍了bq5101x主要特性,简化框图,无线电源(WPC或Qi)的电感电源系统框图,应用电路以及bq51013AEVM-764无线电源接收器评估板主要特性和性能指标,电路图,材料清单和PCB元件布局图.
The bq5101x is an advanced, integrated, receiver IC for wireless power transfer in portable applications. The device provides the AC/DC power conversion while integrating the digital control required to comply with the Qi v1.0 communication protocol. Together with the bq500210 transmitter controller, the bq5101x enables a complete contact-less power transfer system for a wireless power supply solution. By using near-field inductive power transfer, the receiver coil embedded in the portable device receives the power transmitted by the transmitter coil via mutually coupled inductors. The AC signal from the receiver coil is then rectified and regulated to be used as a power supply for down-system electronics. Global feedback is established from the secondary to the transmitter in order to stabilize the power transfer process via back-scatter modulation.

Integrated Wireless Power Receiver Solution with a 5V Regulated Supply
93% Overall Peak AC-DC Efficiency
Full Synchronous Rectifier
WPC v1.0 Compliant Communication Control
Output Voltage Conditioning
Only IC Required Between RX coil and 5V DC Output Voltage
Dynamic Rectifier Controlfor Improved Load Transient Response
Dynamic Efficiency Scalingfor Optimized Performance Over any
Range of Output Power
Adaptive Communication Limitfor Robust Communication During
High Levels of Load Current Noise
Supports 20-V Maximum Input
Low-power Dissipative Rectifier Overvoltage Clamp (VOVP = 15V)
Thermal Shutdown
Multifunction NTC and Control Pin for Temperature Monitoring,
Done Charging and Fault Host Control
Stand-alone Digital Controller
Programmable Termination Pin for Charge Status 100% (CS100) Support
1.9 x 3mm DSBG or 4.5 x 3.5mm QFN Package

bq5101x 应用:
WPC Compliant Receivers
Cell Phones, Smart Phones
Digital Cameras
Portable Media Players
Hand-held Devices






The bq51013AEVM-764 wireless power receiver evaluation kit from Texas Instruments is a highperformance, easy-to-use development kit for the design of wireless power solutions. Consisting of a 5-V power supply receiver and associated magnetics, the kit enables designers to speed the development of their end-applications.

The bq51013AEVM-764 evaluation module (EVM) demonstrates the receiver portion of the bqTESLA™ wireless power system. This receiver EVM is a complete receiver-side solution that produces 5 V out at up to 1 A when coupled with the bqTESLA™ transmitter. The bq51013AEVM-764 device shown on this EVM along with external components that support the device for a complete solution.
• The bqTESLA™ receiver can be used in any number of low-power battery portable devices as a power source for charging. With contact-free charging capability, no connections to the device are needed.
• Output voltage of 5 V up to 1 A
• External adapter switchover and control circuit
• Low-profile, external pick-up coil
• Frame is configured to provide correct receiver to transmitter spacing.
• Room above coil for testing with battery, key for tuning
• Adjustable resistor R16 can be used to set max output current bq51013AEVM-764





产品型号 功能介绍 兼容型号 封装形式 工作电压 备注
深圳市永阜康科技有限公司 粤ICP备17113496号 服务热线:0755-82863877 手机:13242913995