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TPS62730 高频超低功耗同步降压DC/DC转换器解决方案
发布时间:2011/8/31 14:31:00 来源:
张代明 3003290139
姚红霞 3003214837
李湘宁 2850985550

TI公司的TPS62730是高频超低功耗同步降压DC/DC转换器,非常适合用在低功耗小于1GHz和2.4GHz RF收发器。TPS62730输入电压从1.9V到3.9V,超低功耗旁路模式的功耗为30nA,DC/DC转换器静态电流25uA,开关频率高达3MHz,DC/DC效率高达95%,输出峰值电流高达100mA,主要用在CC2540蓝牙低功耗系统级解决方案,低功耗无线应用和RF4CE表。本文介绍了TPS62730主要特性,功能方框图,典型应用电路以及TPS62730EVM-726评估模块主要特性,电路图和材料清单。
The TPS62730 is a high frequency synchronous step down DC-DC converter optimized for ultra low power wireless applications. The device is optimized to supply TI’s Low Power Wireless sub 1GHz and 2.4GHz RF transceivers and System-On-Chip-solutions. The TPS62730 reduces the current consumption drawn from the battery during TX and RX mode by a high efficient step down voltage conversion. It provides up to 100mA output current and allows the use of tiny and low cost chip inductors and capacitors. With an input voltage range of 1.9V to 3.9V the device supports Li-primary battery chemistries such as Li-SOCl2, Li-SO2, Li-MnO2 and also two cell alkaline batteries.
The TPS62730 features an Ultra Low Power bypass mode with typical 30nA current consumption to support sleep and low power modes of TI’s CC2540 Bluetooth Low Energy and CC430 System-On-Chip solutions.

Input Voltage Range VIN from 1.9V to 3.9V
Typ. 30nA Ultra Low Power Bypass Mode
Typ. 25 µA DC/DC Quiescent Current
Internal Feedback Divider Disconnect
Typ. 2.1Ω Bypass Switch between VIN and VOUT
Automatic Transition from DC/DC to Bypass Mode
Up To 3MHz switch frequency
Up to 95% DC/DC Efficiency
Open Drain Status Output STAT
Output Peak Current up to 100mA
Fixed Output Voltage 2.1V
Small External Output Filter Components 2.2µH/ 2.2µF
Optimized For Low Output Ripple Voltage
Small 1 × 1.5 × 0.6mm3 SON Package
12 mm2 Minimum Solution Size

CC2540 Bluetooth Low Energy System-On-Chip Solution
Low Power Wireless Applications
RF4CE, Metering





The TPS62730EVM-726 evaluation module (EVM) helps designers evaluate the operation and performance of the TPS62730 step-down converter. The user’s guide describes the TPS62730 evaluation module, how to perform a stand-alone evaluation or interface with a host or system. The converter is designed to deliver up to 100 mA of continuous current to the output. The converter can be switched into bypass mode by grounding the ON/BYP pin or automatically with the input voltage falling to the output regulation voltage. The TPS62730 device is a high-frequency synchronous stepdown dc-dc converter optimized for ultralow-power wireless applications. The device is optimized to supply TI’s low-power wireless sub-1-GHz and 2.4-GHz RF transceivers. The TPS62730 reduces the current consumption drawn from the battery during TX and RX modes by a highly efficient stepdown voltage conversion. It provides up to 100-mA output current and allows the use of tiny and low-cost chip inductors and capacitors. This device supports most Li-ion primary battery chemistries, with an input range of 1.9 V to 3.9 V dc. The TPS62730 features an ultralow-power bypass mode with a typical 30 nA current consumption to support low-power modes of modern RF transceivers. In this bypass mode, the input is connected the VOUT pin via an internal 2-Ω bypass FET. The device automatically enters bypass mode when the input (battery) voltage falls to the bypass transition threshold.

Input Voltage Range V IN from 1.9V to 3.9V
Typ. 30nA Ultra Low Power Bypass Mode
Typ. 25 µA DC/DC Quiescent Current
Internal Feedback Divider Disconnect
Typ. 2.5Ω Bypass Switch between V IN and VOUT
Automatic Transition from DC/DC to Bypass Mode
Up To 3MHz switch frequency
Up to 95% DC/DC Efficiency
Open Drain Status Output STAT
Output Peak Current up to 100mA
Fixed Output Voltage Options 2.1V, 2.05V and 1.9V
Small External Output Filter Components 2.2µH/ 2.2µFv
Optimized For Low Output Ripple Voltage
Small 1 × 1.5 × 0.6mm3 SON Package
12 mm2 Minimum Solution Size




产品型号 功能介绍 兼容型号 封装形式 工作电压 备注
深圳市永阜康科技有限公司 粤ICP备17113496号 服务热线:0755-82863877 手机:13242913995