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MAX17710 低功耗高效能量收集充电器和保护器IC应用方案
发布时间:2011/8/12 11:14:00 来源:
张代明 3003290139
姚红霞 3003214837
李湘宁 2850985550

Maxim公司的MAX17710是低功耗高效能量采集充电和保护的完整系统,能管理输出功率从1FW到100mW的能量采集器件. MAX17710还包括一个升压稳压电路,用来从低至0.75V的电源对电池进行充电,内部的稳压器还保护电池免受过充的危害.输出电压采用LDO稳压器给目标应用供电,电压可选择为3.3V, 2.3V或1.8V,可用在智能卡,遥控无线传感器,存储器和实时时钟备用电池,半有源RFID标识,医疗设备以及高温应用,军用和航空航天与玩具等.本文介绍了MAX1771主要特性, 应用示意图和框图,功能框图, 高压和低压充电源的充电能量采集框图, 稳压器输出状态图以及MAX17710评估板主要特性,方框图,电路图,材料清单和元件布局图.
Energy-Harvesting Charger and Protector
The MAX17710 is a complete system for charging and protecting micropower-storage cells such as Infinite Power Solution’s THINERGY® microenergy cells (MECs). The IC can manage poorly regulated sources such as energy-harvesting devices with output levels ranging from 1FW to 100mW. The device also includes a boost regulator circuit for charging the cell from a source as low as 0.75V (typ). An internal regulator protects the cell from overcharging.
Output voltages supplied to the target applications are regulated using a low-dropout (LDO) linear regulator with selectable voltages of 3.3V, 2.3V, or 1.8V. The output regulator operates in a selectable low-power or ultra-low-power mode to minimize drain of the cell. Internal voltage protection prevents the cell from overdischarging.
The device is available in an ultra-thin, 3mm x 3mm x 0.5mm 12-pin UTDFN package.

Integrated Power-Management IC for Energy Storage and Load Management
Lithium Charger
1nA Standby IQBATT
625nA Linear Charging
1μW Boost Charging
Lithium Cell Undervoltage Protection
Charger Overvoltage Shunt Protection
1.8V, 2.3V, or 3.3V LDO (150nA IQBATT)
Lithium Cell Output Buffering
Ultra-Thin, 3mm x 3mm x 0.5mm UTDFN Package

Powered/Smart Cards
Remote Wireless Sensors
Memory and Real-Time Clock Backup
Semiactive RFID Tags
Medical Devices
High-Temperature Applications
Military/DoD and Aerospace



图3. MAX1771方框图

图4. MAX1771应用框图




The MAX17710 evaluation kit (EV kit) is a fully assembled and tested PCB that contains all the components necessary to evaluate the performance of the MAX17710 energy-harvesting charger and protector. The EV kit features the THINERGY® micro-energy cell (MEC) from Infinite Power Solutions, Inc. (IPS), a solid-state, rechargeable, thin-power solution. Solar cells are installed on the EV kit as the power source for an energy-harvesting application. The solar cells demonstrate low-power charging of the MEC with ambient light. The IC can regulate and charge from various energy-harvesting sources that can be added externally.
The EV kit is a self-powered board. The EV kit output charges the THINERGY MEC with current as low as 1µA. The EV kit provides test points to monitor the inputs and outputs, and jumpers to test the various settings. An LED is included on the CHG output to indicate if the boost is operating. The IC is available in a 12-pin UTDFN package with an exposed pad.

Self-Powered by On-Board Solar Cells
THINERGY Micro-Energy Cell (MEC) Included
Variable Switching Frequency Adjusts for Input Power Levels
Various Test Points Included for Evaluation
Proven PCB Layout
Fully Assembled and Tested
High-Temperature Applications
Medical Devices
Memory and Real-Time Clock Backup
Military/DoD and Aerospace
Powered/Smart Cards
Remote Wireless Sensors
Semiactive RFID Tags



产品型号 功能介绍 兼容型号 封装形式 工作电压 备注
深圳市永阜康科技有限公司 粤ICP备17113496号 服务热线:0755-82863877 手机:13242913995