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IRS2573D 70W HID灯镇流器解决方案
发布时间:2011/6/15 13:37:00 来源:
张代明 3003290139
姚红霞 3003214837
李湘宁 2850985550

IR公司的IRS2573D 是全集成全保护的600V HID控制器IC,可驱动任何类型的HID灯.器件内部电路提供了点火,预热,运行和故障操作模式.具有600V高边和低边全桥驱动器,内部的15.6V齐纳二极管箝位VCC,微功耗150uA起动.本文介绍了IRS2573D主要特性,方框图, 典型应用框图以及采用IRS2573D的70W HID灯镇流器参考设计主要特性,框图,电路图,材料清单和PCB布局图.
The IRS2573D is a fully-integrated, fully-protected 600V HID control IC designed to drive all types of HID lamps. Internal circuitry provides control for ignition, warm-up, running and fault operating modes. The IRS2573D features include ignition timing control, constant lamp power control, programmable full-bridge running frequency, programmable over and under-voltage protection and programmable over-current protection. Advanced protection features such as failure of a lamp to ignite, open load, short-circuit and a programmable fault counter have also been included in the design.

Buck, full-bridge and lamp control in one IC
Continuous/critical-conduction mode buck control
600V high and low-side full-bridge driver
600V high-side buck Driver
Low-side ignition FET gate driver
Integrated bootstrap FETs for full-bridge high-side drivers
Constant lamp power control
Programmable buck cycle-by-cycle over-current protection
Programmable buck output voltage limitation
Programmable lamp current limitation
Programmable full-bridge frequency
Fault latch reset input
Programmable ignition counter (21sec/64sec typical)
Programmable lamp under-voltage fault counter (197sec typical) for short-circuit or lamp does not warm-up
Fast transient lamp under-voltage event counter (16384 typical) for arc instability or end-of-life
Programmable lamp over-voltage fault counter (787sec typical) for open-circuit or lamp extinguishes
Programmable good fault reset counter (2730sec typical)
Micro-controller compatible timing thresholds
Internal 15.6V zener clamp diode on VCC
Micropower startup (150μA)
Latch immunity and ESD protection on all pins



采用IRS2573D的70W HID灯镇流器参考设计
The IRPLHID2 reference design kit consists of a complete ballast solution for a 70W HID lamp. The design contains an EMI filter, low voltage power supply, active power factor correction and a ballast control circuit using the IRS2573D. This demo board is intended to help with the evaluation of the IRS2573D HID ballast control IC, demonstrate PCB layout techniques and serve as an aid in the development of production ballasts using the IRS2573D.

70W HID灯镇流器参考设计主要特性:
Drives 1 x 70W HID lamp
Input voltage range: 185-265 VAC
High Power Factor / Low Total Harmonic Distortion
Controlled ignition
Low frequency square wave operation
Lamp power and current control
Open circuit and no-lamp protection
Short circuit and lamp failure to warm-up protection
Lamp end-of-life shutdown
IRS2573DSPbF HID Ballast Control IC

图3.70W HID灯镇流器参考设计外形图

图4.70W HID灯镇流器参考设计框图

图5.70W HID灯镇流器参考设计电路图(1)

图6.70W HID灯镇流器参考设计电路图(2)
70W HID灯镇流器参考设计材料清单(BOM):

图7.70W HID灯镇流器参考设计PCB布局图

产品型号 功能介绍 兼容型号 封装形式 工作电压 备注
深圳市永阜康科技有限公司 粤ICP备17113496号 服务热线:0755-82863877 手机:13242913995