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发布时间:2011/6/9 13:30:00 来源:
张代明 3003290139
姚红霞 3003214837
李湘宁 2850985550





Sensonor Technologies一直致力于拓展MEMS陀螺仪的范围并研发一整套全面的高性能惯性传感器组合,而STIM210正是公司发展过程中的又一个里程碑。 


Sensonor Technologies负责销售和营销的副总裁Hans Richard Petersen先生表示:“STIM210是我们成功之路上坚实的一步,实现了我们为市场提供更稳定、坚固和经济的高性能陀螺仪的愿景。MEMS陀螺仪的性能不断提高。在苛刻的环境中,它有更低的成本、更高的坚固性和可靠度。STIM210让我们的产品组合可以更好地应对导航和导引领域的更多应用。”

STIM210将于从6月6日开始的一周在德国Sensors and Test和美国传感器博览会(Sensors Expo)上推出。

Key features


  • Miniature package
  • Excellent performance in vibration and shock
  • Excellent environmental robustness
  • 1, 2 or 3 axes offered in same package
  • Electronically calibrated axis alignment
  • Plug & play high-level RS422 interface
  • 24 bits resolution
  • Single-crystal silicon technology
  • Low bias drift
  • Low noise
  • Fully configurable:
    - 5 different sampling rates available
    - 5 different bandwidths available
    - LP filter -3dB frequency can be set individually for each axis
    - RS422 protocol, bit rate and line termination
    - Selectable output unit: angular rate [deg/s] or incremental angle [deg]
  • Continuous self-diagnostics
  • Performance
  • Each axis is factory-calibrated for bias, sensitivity and compensated for temperature effects to provide high-accuracy measurements. The unit runs off a single +5V supply and communicates via a "plug & play" high-level RS422 interface. The use of a 32-bit RISC ARM microcontroller provides flexibility in the configuration, like choice of output unit, sampling frequency, LP filter -3dB frequency and RS422 bit-rate and protocol parameters.

    For more advanced users, STIM210 may be put in Service Mode. In this mode all the configuration parameters can be intermediately or permanently changed by overwriting the current settings in the flash memory. Service Mode also provides the ability to perform single measurements, perform diagnostics and obtain a higher detail in the status byte.

    Parameter Min Typ Max Unit Comment
    Range   ±400   °/s  
    Output   24   bit RS422
    In-run bias instability   0.5   °/h  
    Angular random walk   0.15   °/√h  
    Sampling frequency     2000 SPS Normal value
    产品型号 功能介绍 兼容型号 封装形式 工作电压 备注
    深圳市永阜康科技有限公司 粤ICP备17113496号 服务热线:0755-82863877 手机:13242913995