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发布时间:2010/12/16 12:19:00 来源:
张代明 3003290139
姚红霞 3003214837
李湘宁 2850985550

Austriamicrosystems公司的AS5013是完整的低功耗霍尔传感器,适用于智能导航的主要应用. AS5013工作电压2.7V-3.6V,外设电压可低到1.7V,有两种工作模式:空闲模式和低功耗模式, 空闲模式的功耗小于3uA,具有两种中断模式,横向磁场运动半径高达2mm,可用在手机,MP3播放器,PDA,GPS接收器和游戏机等.本文介绍了AS5013主要特性和优势, 方框图, 和MCU的电连接框图以及用于小型游戏操纵杆的布局案例.

AS5013 :Low Power Integrated Hall IC for Human Interface Applications
The AS5013 is a complete Hall Sensor IC for smart navigation key applications to meet the low power requirements and host SW integration challenges for products such as cell phones and smart handheld devices.
Due to the on chip processing engine, system designers are not tasked with integrating complex SW algorithms on their host processor thus leading to rapid development cycles.
The AS5013 single-chip IC includes 5 integrated Hall sensing elements for detecting up to ±2mm lateral displacement, high resolution ADC, XY coordinate and motion detection engine combined with a smart power management controller.
The X and Y positions coordinates and magnetic field information for each Hall sensor element is transmitted over a 2-wire I²C compliant interface to the host processor.
The AS5013 is available in a small 16-pin 4x4x0.55mm QFN package and specified over an operating temperature of -20 to +80℃.

2.7 to 3.6V operating voltage
Down to 1.7V peripheral supply voltage
Two operating modes:
Idle mode Low Power mode
Less than 3μA current consumption in Idle mode
Low power mode with selectable readout rate
Two interrupt modes
Motion detect
Data ready
Lateral magnet movement radius up to 2mm
High-speed I²C interface

Complete system-on-chip
High reliability due to non-contact sensing
Low power consumption

The AS5013 is ideal for small factor manual input devices in battery operated equipment, such as
Mobile phones
MP3 players
GPS receivers
Gaming consoles




产品型号 功能介绍 兼容型号 封装形式 工作电压 备注
深圳市永阜康科技有限公司 粤ICP备17113496号 服务热线:0755-82863877 手机:13242913995