来自台湾地区的工研院(ITRI)影像显示科技中心主任程章林(Janglin Chen)预估,彩色卷轴式显示器(rollable color display)最快在2015年就能问世,并可望催生一系列全新的便携式产品。台湾工研院的软性显示器在日前打败了超过590位竞争对手,赢得了Dow Jones所颁发的创新金奖(gold innovation award)。
程章林指出,其他竞争厂商包括Polymer Vision与Plastic Logic所采用的有机材料软性显示器,需要以低温制程生产,台湾工研院的软性显示器则在彩度与对比性能上,号称能达到与传统相同尺寸的TFT LCD显示器相同水平:“这能为设计者开启设计一系列新型玩具、医疗感测装置或是其他产品的新思维。”
目前台湾工研院正与友达合作,试图找到一种能让OLED隔绝氧气与湿气的塑料材料;此外台湾工研院也与一家不透露名称的触控屏幕技术供货商合作,正在开发触控版本的软性TFT LCD显示器,预计产品将在一至两年后问世。
Researcher: Rollable displays unfold in 2015
Rick Merritt
Rollable color displays could become available as early as 2015, according to a leading researcher in the field. The displays are expected to enable a new class of mobile products.
That's the rough estimate of Janglin Chen, general director of the display technology center at Taiwan's Industrial Technology Research Institute. ITRI's flexible display beat more than 590 submissions to win a gold innovation award sponsored by Dow Jones this week.
Researchers like Chen are still looking for a mechanism that would let consumers roll a smartphone- or tablet-sized display in and out of a system the size of a fat crayon. Today's flexible displays are bendable but cannot be rolled so tightly or often without damaging the materials.
"For bending, we can do this 15,000 times in the lab without deterioration of the screen's performance, but to make a device that's rollable by consumers who are more abusive requires a more sturdy design," said Chen who demonstrated a prototype in a video interview.
ITRI has licensed its technology to Taiwan's AU Optronics which is preparing to make displays that will appear in e-readers from BenQ in 2011. The displays will be built in an existing Generation 3.5 LCD fab.
The technology uses a plastic material that can withstand the high temperatures of TFT LCD processes. The approach requires two new manufacturing steps—a coating at the beginning and a de-bonding at the end. ITRI has licensed its technology to a Taiwan equipment maker who is creating the manufacturing equipment.
Competing approaches from companies such as Polymer Vision and Plastic Logic use an organic material that requires low temperature manufacturing techniques, said Chen. ITRI's displays have the same color and contrast capabilities as similar sized conventional TFT LCDs.
"This opens up the mindset for the designer for new kinds of toys, medical sensors or other products," said Chen.
Engineers could use the technology to develop electronic displays that mimic the features of paper. For example, designers could build a portable x-ray display that could be wrapped around an arm or leg, he said.
Although rollable displays are still at least five years off, ITRI is working on versions of its current bendable technology for Organic LED displays and touch screens.
ITRI researchers are working with AU Optronics trying to find a plastic material that could protect OLEDs from oxygen and moisture. Separately, ITRI is working with an unnamed touch-screen technology provider on a touch-screen version of the TFT LCD flexible display with products expected in one to two years.