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TAS5707具有EQ 和DRC(软件控制)的20W立体声数字音频功率放大器IC电路特点及应用原理图介绍
发布时间:2010/9/20 22:47:00 来源:
张代明 3003290139
姚红霞 3003214837
李湘宁 2850985550

TI 公司的TAS5707是20W高效数字音频功率放大器,能驱动桥式连接的立体声扬声器.模拟音频输入/输出, 支持8-kHz 到48-kHz取样频率,能从18V的电源向8欧姆负载提供20W功率. TAS5707的工作电压从8V到24V,采用高效的D类放大器,不需要散热器.本文介绍了TAS5707主要特性,方框图以及TAS5707评估板的主要特性,电路图以及所用材料费清单.

The TAS5707 is a 20-W, efficient, digital audio power amplifier for driving stereo bridge-tied speakers. One serial data input allows processing of up to two discrete audio channels and seamless integration to most digital audio processors and MPEG decoders. The device accepts a wide range of input data and data rates. A fully programmable data path routes these channels to the internal speaker drivers.
The TAS5707 is a slave-only device receiving all clocks from external sources. The TAS5707 operates with a PWM carrier between 384-kHz switching rate and 352-KHz switching rate depending on the input sample rate. Oversampling combined with a fourth-order noise shaper provides a flat noise floor and excellent dynamic range from 20 Hz to 20 kHz.
Audio Input/Output:
20-W Into an 8-Ω Load From an 18-V Supply
Wide PVDD Range, From 8 V to 24 V
Efficient Class-D Operation Eliminates Need for Heatsinks
Requires Only 3.3 V and PVDD
One Serial Audio Input (Two Audio Channels)
Supports 8-kHz to 48-kHz Sample Rate (LJ/RJ/I2S)
Audio/PWM Processing:
Independent Channel Volume Controls With 24-dB to Mute
Soft Mute (50% Duty Cycle)
Programmable Dynamic Range Control
14 Programmable Biquads for Speaker EQ and Other Audio Processing Features
Programmable Coefficients for DRC Filters
DC Blocking Filters
General Features:
Serial Control Interface Operational Without MCLK
Factory-Trimmed Internal Oscillator for automatic rate detection
Surface Mount, 48-PIN, 7-mm × 7-mm HTQFP Package
Thermal and Short-Circuit Protection
EQ: Speaker Equalization Improves Audio Performance
DRC: Dynamic Range Compression. Can Be Used As Power Limiter. Enables Speaker Protection, Easy Listening, Night-Mode Listening.
Autobank Switching: Preload Coefficients for Different Sample Rates. No Need to Write new Coefficients to the Part When Sample Rate Changes.
Autodetect: Automatically Detects Sample-Rate Changes. No Need for External Microprocessor Intervention



AS5707EVM (TAS5709EVM) and MC57xxPSIA Features
Channel evaluation module design
Self-contained protection systems and control pins
USB interface
Standard I2S data input using optical or coaxial inputs
Analog input through analog-to-digital converter
Subwoofer connection—the PWM terminal provides the PWM signal and power to an external subwoofer board
Double-sided, plated-through PCB, 1-oz copper, 2 mm
Access to control signal gain and data format through EVM-software GUI

图3.TAS5709EVM PCB外形图





产品型号 功能介绍 兼容型号 封装形式 工作电压 备注
深圳市永阜康科技有限公司 粤ICP备17113496号 服务热线:0755-82863877 手机:13242913995