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CS35L01-3 2.9 W D类音频放大IC应用原理说明
发布时间:2010/9/9 12:21:00 来源:
张代明 3003290139
姚红霞 3003214837
李湘宁 2850985550

2.9 W Mono Class-D Audio Amplifier with Low Idle Current

The CS35L01 and the CS35L03 are 2.9W high efficiency Hybrid Class-D audio amplifiers with low idle current consumption.

The CS35L01/03 features an advanced closed-loop architecture to provide 0.02% THD+N at 1 W and -75 dB PSRR at 217 Hz.

A flexible Hybrid Class-D output stage offers four modes of operation: Standard Class-D (SD) mode offers full audio bandwidth and high audio performance; Hybrid Class-D (HD) mode offers a substantial reduction in idle power consumption with an integrated Class-H controller; Reduced Frequency Class-D (FSD) mode reduces the output switching frequency, producing lower electromagnetic interference (EMI); and Reduced Frequency Hybrid Class-D (FHD) mode produces both the lower idle power consumption of HD mode and the reduced EMI benefits of FSD mode.

Requiring minimal external components and PCB space, the CS35L01 and CS35L03 are available in a 1.2 mm x 1.2 mm, 9-ball WLCSP package in Commercial grade (-10°C to +70°C).


Filterless Hybrid Class-D Architecture

– <1 mA Quiescent Current

– 1 x 2.9 W into 4 ohm(10% THD+N)

– 1 x 2.3 W into 4 ohm (1% THD+N)

– 1 x 1.7 W into 8 ohm (10% THD+N)

– 1 x 1.4 W into 8 ohm (1% THD+N)

Advanced Delta-Sigma Closed-loop Modulation

– 98 dB Signal-to-Noise Ratio (A-Weighted)

– 0.02% THD+N @ 1 W (SD & HD Mode)

Integrated Protection and Automatic Recovery for Output Short-circuit and Thermal Overload

Pin-compatible 9-ball WLCSP family for easy upgrade path

– CS35L01: +6 dB default Gain

– CS35L03: +12 dB default Gain

Pop and Click Suppression


Mobile Phones


Portable Navigation Devices

Active Speakers

Portable Gaming

图1 CS35L01和CS35L03方框图

图2 CS35L01和CS35L03 SD和FSD模式典型连接框图

图3 CS35L01和CS35L03 HD和FHD模式典型连接框图

Note:3. The value of the capacitance connected to the LFILT+ net should not exceed 4.7 F. Presence of a capacitance above 4.7 F will prevent proper HD and FHD operation

1 x 1.7 W CS35L01 放大器参考设计套件

The CRD35L01 demonstrates the CS35L01 high-efficiency Hybrid Class-D audio amplifier. This reference design implements a single-channel amplifier that delivers 1.7 W per full-bridge channel into 8-ohm loads using a single +5-V supply.

Differential audio inputs can easily be connected through the J1 header. If desired, the gain can be adjusted through the optional input resistors.

The -SD, -FSD, -HD, or -FHD suffix designates the CS35L01’s operational mode. Each of the four boards is configured to operate in each of the four corresponding modes of the CS35L01 device.

Device shutdown control is available through the J2 header.

1 x 1.7 W CS35L01 放大器参考设计主要特性:

 Four boards provided in the CS35L01 Amplifier Reference Design Kit

 Separate boards for each mode configuration

– SD, FSD, HD, and FHD

 CS35L01 produces a default +6-dB Gain

 Delivers 1.4 W/Ch into 8ohm at 1% THD+N

 Delivers 1.7 W/Ch into 8ohm at 10% THD+N

 Differential mono analog inputs

 Demonstrates recommended 4-layer layout and grounding arrangements

– Optional output filter connections

– Optional gain adjustment resistors

 Powered by a single 2.5- to 5.5-V power supply

 Device shutdown control

图4 1 x 1.7 W CS35L01 放大器参考设计框图

图5 CRD35L01-SD电路图

图6 CRD35L01-FSD电路图

图7 CRD35L01-HD电路图

图8 CRD35L01-FHD电路图


产品型号 功能介绍 兼容型号 封装形式 工作电压 备注
深圳市永阜康科技有限公司 粤ICP备17113496号 服务热线:0755-82863877 手机:13242913995